Chapter 4

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Jeremy's POV

I gasp at Liam. He actually spoke. And he actually spoke back to Christine. Christine! Liam just yelled at her. Well, not really yelled. But you catch my drift. I looked to see Christine's reaction. She just glared at Liam. No one ever yelled at her. I turned to Michael. He was surprised. I did not know who's side to take. My best friend or my girlfriend's. 

I could tell Christine wanted to reply with a rude thing. But she stopped herself. "Everything alright?" Mr. Iconis walked up behind us, seeing everyone's surprised reaction. Even Sinead was silent.  No one answered Mr. Iconis. He gave us a worried look before changing the subject. "Alright!" He called everyone over. "Our bus will be coming to pick us up in five minutes. We will have stay on the bus for six stops until we reach the Pop Century Resort." Everyone nodded. I was glad that it was Mr. Iconis who was chosen to watch over us. He would let us go alone by ourselves. 

Michael's POV

I kept my sight on Liam. Logan was whispering to his brother and Liam was nodding to whatever Logan was saying. I could tell Jeremy had wanted to talk back to Christine, agreeing with Liam but also did not want to get into a fight with her, leading to a possible break up. That would break Jeremy's heart if that happened. 

Mr. Iconis led us outside of the airport and onto the waiting area for the buses. The sun was out and it felt really hot. Florida. ((YOU CAN NOT STOP ME FROM THIS!!!!!!!!)) I yanked out my phone remembering something. I smiled as I opened the contact on text reading George S. My old friend George has moved to Florida not long after I moved to New Jersey. We had been close friends and had not gotten to meet in a long time. 

Micheel: Hey, George! Plane just landed. R on the way to the hotel. Hopefully, Iconis will let us go to the parks after we unpack. Let you know when I get more information. 

Wonderful_cinomonroll: alright! I'll be walking round Animal Kingdom 4 the day. 'Fully cya soon!

I would take Jeremy and Christine to meet George, because I know Jeremy would like him as much as I do. Ok. That sounds a little wrong. Me and George are great buds and I like him as I friend. Not like Jeremy. But George helped me come out to kids at my old school when I found out I was gay in fifth grade. George was still questioning his sexuality. Which I was fine with! He was so helpful with me that I felt bad when I had to move because I would not be as much help to him. 

I got tapped on the shoulder and turned to see Mr. Iconis. He had a kind yet sad smile on his face. "Michael, I would like to talk to you for a second," he said. I looked at him, confused. "S-sure," I said as he led me away from everyone else. I felt Jeremy's eyes on my back before I heard Christine start to yap at him. I turned to Iconis and noticed the concern in his eyes. "Look, Michael, I heard what Christine said. And what Liam said too. I have watched you in class this past year. And I noticed your reaction to what Christine said. Michael, you are so talented. Listen to me. You are amazing and have such gifts. You are wanted and you are loved. Loved so much. Yes, it might be by only a few people. But those few people love you so much. Platonically, of course. Do not, I repeat, do not listen to Christine or whatever other people say about you that is negative. Even if you this it is true, it's not." I nodded, looking down and not at my favorite teacher. 

Iconis put a hand on my shoulder. Why does everyone do that? "You are incredible. Do not ever forget that." He pulled his hand away as a Disney themes bus pulled in front of us. "Everyone line up!" He called. The students all obeyed and got into a messy line to board the bus. A few gathered families got behind us. I placed myself at the back. Away from Christine and Jeremy. Hoping they would get the idea to  let me be for a second. 

We climbed on the bus and I got an empty seat and sat closest to the window. Yay! I felt a group of eyes on me. Probably Jeremy, Sinead, and the twins.  It I ignored them. Just let me think. Please. I lay my head against the window and closed my eyes. In what felt like a second or two, someone shook my shoulders. I jolted awake to see Jeremy. I blushed and got up, saying nothing. Jeremy's face was full of concern as I climbed out to go ahead of him. (He let me go first, of course.) I looked up from the ground and started to grin. The whole hotel seemed to be vintage themed. 

((A/N : guys. I did not even realize that Pop Century was vintage themed the way Jeremy/Michael liked it. And... this was not on purpose I swear. Apparently, it fits into the story more than me using the most recent Disney hotel I stayed at.))

I spotted Mr. Iconis grinning at me and I smiled back. This might be fun after all. Can I, like, just stay here and explore for the whole trip instead of going out with Christine and Jeremy? I mean, I would go out to explore Disney with Jeremy, but not with Christine. I recognized everything we passed by. Mr. Iconis led us into the main receiving building to get us signed in. There was stuff I recognized everywhere! I saw pac man stuff, I saw whole bunches of themed stuff from the '40s all the way to the '90s. I loved this hotel already. 

The lobby was even more amazing. It had mix of everything. Games were represented with objects stored in frames all lined against the two walls that led down a long hall. The rug was decorated with a triangular design with different colors that popped out on the black background. Or back floor, I should say. Perfection. Mr. Iconis got in line to collect the keys to get into the many rooms. 

Logan came up to me. He looked at me concerned before. "Hey. You alright?" He asked. I nodded. I forced the words out of my throat."Just need a couple minutes alone. That's all." He nodded unconvinced. But he left to go back to his twin and Sinead who were standing close by to Jeremy and Christine. I could tell Christine was trying to keep Jeremy's attention away from me. Now, I was convinced. Christine did hate me and wanted Jeremy only for herself. Iconis came back with eight keys. He told us to get into groups of three. Guess who I have to be with! 

If you guessed Christine, you earned a fake twenty dollar bill! Congratulations. At least I would be staying with Jeremy. I sighed as I joined the two lovebirds. I cringed slightly as Christine intertwined her hand with Jeremy's when she saw me coming over. "Are you alright, Michael?" Jeremy asked. "What'd Iconis say to you?" I shook my head. "He said nothing important. And yeah, I'm fine." Before Christine came along, I would always be asking if he was alright. Now, I guess it's the other way around. Must happen when you have a crush.

Mr. Iconis gives me the key. The key was a small little credit-card sized card. It looked mostly blank except for what looked like a bar code on it. The teacher smiles at me before moving onto the other groups. "Every room is right next to each other," Iconis says. "I want everyone to go and unpack their stuff. Then, you can go scatter to the parks. I want you to be back here at seven o'clock for a dinner here, please. Now, go," He lets us run ahead like children. Here, we can act like children and not be told off. 

((Not much of juice in this one. Welp. The story is just beginning too.))

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