Chapter 1

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Quick thing: Michael calls his two moms Mum and Mom. This is based off of Brdwy BMC. 

Just pretend Michael moved to NJ during the middle of the year in sixth grade, where in his town, middle school started. Middle. Middle. Middle. 

Michael's POV

Four years ago-

I jump out of  my mum's large van that was filled with all of our stuff. I look out at my new house. It was a good sized house and looked cozy. "Michael!" I heard  my Mom call. "Can you help with moving the boxes?"  I make myself look away from my new home to help my moms with our boxes filled with our belongings. I helped my parents to bring in the boxes. But of course, after I took a very quick peek around the house. Only Mum had seen it and she said it was an amazing house that would fit us perfectly. 

A few at a time, me and my moms brought all of our belongings inside and took a breath. Our stuff had been dumped everywhere. We had the essentials: boxes and boxes of bullets. By bullets, I mean weird junk that we did not have the heart to throw away. 

       -Squip time jump to about four days later-

I stopped at the middle school before me. Kids were running around chasing each other as more kids loaded off the few provided busses. This new town was small and have a population of about a thousand or so people. Kids were talking in groups and everyone seemed to know each other. I mean, of course! They've probably known each other for -What- seven years to nine years, or more!

I kept to myself  as I got a few weird glances. My moms forgot about letting the principal show me around, so I had no idea where to go. Kids starred. Eight graders talked with sixth with a mix of seventh graders. Everyone did know everyone. Which made me feel more uncomfortable. I had gotten a lot more anxiety, especially social anxiety, over the past year. I hated crowds and people who I did not know. This was a mix of both. Crowds of people who I did not know. 

"Crap," I muttered to myself, realizing yet again I had no idea where I was to go. Or even where my locker was. My mom had printed out a copy of my schedule which only stated the room numbers along with the teacher and subject. So, my best plan so far was to check each and every room to see if they matched the number on my schedule. This was going to be a great day.

I felt a light tap on my shoulder and turned quickly as my anxiety was at a high level of stress and awareness that could possibly lead to fight or flight. I saw a short boy standing there. He looked nerdish. Like me. "H-hello, are you new here? I haven't s-seen you around before and you look l-Lost", the boy said. My shoulders relaxed. I hadn't realized I was so tense at the moment. "O-oh... y-yeah, I'm new here. I-I don't really know where to go. I have no idea where my locker is, e-either." We both we stuttering. The boy seemed a lot like me. 

The boy gives a soft smile. "O-ok. Uh... what's your locker number?" I showed the small boy my schedule. The boy nodded. "Hey, that's close to mine!" He said. His stuttering seemed to stop. But my stuttering didn't. "C-cool... I'm M-Michael, by t-the way." The boy smiled. A big one. I hoped with all of my heart it was not a mean smile. I didn't seem like one, but it could be, I didn't know. "I'm Jeremy! I assume you are starting the sixth grade? I'm in sixth grade, too!" 

I became more calm with this boy and realized he seemed really, really nice. What I did not know at that point, was that I was developing a crush on my to-be best friend throughout the rest of my education. Leading up to this point, me and Jeremy have become good friends. But he doesn't know I like him. Although, I know he doesn't like me the way I like him...

I had my music blasting in my ears with my headphones. Bob Marley, as usual. I sat at the usual bench on a usual day, waiting for Jeremy to arrive late from Math. As always. It was an absolutely normal day. Soon enough, Jeremy came walking into the cafeteria with Christine and he was chatting with her. I cringed at seeing them together. I was jealous of Christine, but I knew, I was never going to get Jeremy. Having him as a friend was about all I was going to get. But that was better than seeing him talking to Christine by himself and not being close to him.

I smiled as they arrived and paused the song I was listening to. Jeremy immediately told me what he and Christine were talking about. "Have you heard of the Disney trip, Michael?" Jeremy asked. I shook my head and let him explain about it. "The school put up a sign up sheet for going on a trip to Disney! Do you wanna go? We already signed up..." I try to be chill as I hear the news. "Sure, I'll sign up!" Jeremy grins. God- that smile. 

Jeremy's POV

I smiled as I lead Michael to the sign up sheet, Christine following close behind. I tried not to jump in excitement. Michael told me he had never gone to Disney! Ever! And now he could finally go, and me and Christine would be with him! There was only about twenty five signature keys for one to sign. I had signed third, Christine second, and Michael signed on the eighteenth spot. 

We all grinned at each other before returning to our usual table. Me and Christine sat across from Michael at the end of the large, rectangular lunch table. I put an arm around Christine's shoulders and hugged her lightly.  She blushed softly. I smile at and she smiles back. Michael looks around a little awkward and I turned down the notch a little. I looked at him, he usually wasn't awkward around me and Christine when we flirted at level one. ((Meaning like barely flirting/ in a friend way)) We used levels of how much we were flirting. Level one, was in a friendly way. Level two, like close friends. Level three, like we were newly in the relationship. Level four, was a close couple. Level five was... well, the highest level. 

Michael keeps his eyes down. He looked a little pale. "Michael... you alright, buddy?" I ask, concerned. Michael looked up and nodded, not saying anything. I don't believe him. Christine just watches me. I make a look at her to help me cheer Michael up. She nods. "H-hey, Michael, what if we all go after school together to do something? Like a movie or something?" Christine was not really a fan of video games. So she wouldn't suggest that. And she wanted to hang out with me as well as Michael. Michael gave a small smile and nodded, still not speaking. After a long silence, Michael put his headphones on and started his music up again. I sighed as he did. 

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