Be More Chill C/C pt 2

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//ok. Uh. Wow. 

First of all thanks for reading this. This story has gotten to 8th place in Bemorechill! That's crazy! Plus about 635 reads! Wow. 

Ok. To the main part of this. 

Like eight months ago, I watched The Pitiful Children Sanders Sides animatic and LOVED it. The music too. I looked up what Pitiful Children was from and saw it was from Be More Chill. (It was the original recording since the Broadway version wasn't out yet. I kinda left it at that. Until five months later when some person who I didn't know kept showing up on OG on this commercial. The man was singing at a recording station and he had a lot of talent. And it looked like the song was both hard to sing  and had deep meaning. 

A week later, I finally gave into the commercial doing the swipe up. It lead to a website for a musical. A new Broadway musical. A week later, it was still on my mind. So I looked it up on YouTube. Cause what doesn't YouTube have? I watched the first video that came up. "More Than Survive rehearsal footage". I watched it and liked it. So I went into watching bother videos. And basically went through a rabbit hole. I was about two videos in when I realized there was a character (and actor) who caught my eye. 

The man seemed so talented. And emotional. And funny. And balanced. And creative. And- I could go on for a long time, but I won't. The character's name was Michael Mell. And the actors name was George Salazar. (I realized then that he was the same actor I saw in the commercial) George. There's something about him. The way he acts. The way he sings. The way he interacts with his friends, fans, and co-workers. George is great you guys. And no I am totally not crying rn. Totally not. 

I watched videos over and over again. But I only let myself listen to two sings. Michael In The Bathroom and More Than Survive. I asked my dad for tickets only having listened to three songs.  My dad did. He told me only a day before there was a live stream. Joe Iconis (Iconic as we call him) stood in the middle of the stage with a keyboard and a microphone. Be More Chill was about to make an announcement. 

Joe sad that Be More Chill would be closing on the 11 of  August. After the announcement was made, he sang "Broadway Heere I Come." The line that got me was "Broadway I am heere." That was about three months ago, the live stream. Three months. It is now August 14, 2019. I am heere typing this story still. The musical may have ended it's Broadway run but that is not the last you'll see of us. We are surviving. And we will do More Than Survive. The fandom is still heere. It has not gone anywhere. We won't for a looooong time. 

Be More Chill gave me a home. 

Be More Chill gave me a family. 

Be More Chill gave me a place to be me. 

That's the legacy Ned Vizzini gave us. And Joe, (both of you <3) he's proud of you. 

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