Chapter 19

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//Trigger warning: Smut/rape, possessive SQUIP

Also very short chapter. Like really.\\

Michael's POV still

My eyes burned as I saw Jeremy. I shouldn't be looking but I couldn't look away. Jeremy was in a car. Having god damn sex with a boy. That's not me! "Michael..." I hear John's voice behind. I didn't care. My hands were both clutched in a fist. 

Jeremy's POV //lots of smut\\

Logan was pounding into me and I was moaning loudly. Gerard was off. It was like when I got drunk or high, he told me, if I was horny and lust-full, he would go crazy. Logan pushed me against the side of his car. My eyes were squeezed shut. 

I opened my eyes slightly and froze. Michael was standing there, eyes wide and filled with tears. How long was he standing there? Shit. He's never gonna like me now. I couldn't help but moan when Logan pushed into me again. 

A-activate I thought, completely forgetting how Gerard will act. Gerard appears immediately. What is it, Jeremy? He asked before stopping. Oh shit. Tell Logan to stop. Now! 

"L-Logan!~ St-stop!" Logan didn't, though. "What's the matter? Don't like it? No. You love it." 

"FucK- AH!" I moaned loudly. HELP I mentally screamed at Gerard. Hold on....... the fuck?! Gerard started to glitch. A glitch took over him and Keanu Reeves stood in his place. Thank you for that, Jeremy. Who do we have here? Ah. Ok. This might hurt. 

I feel the SQUIP take over my body. I thought he was going to get me out of this situation. But no.  I felt him push against Logan. My mouth moved and I started begging for more. Logan smirked and went harder. 

I felt liquid pour into me. Logan finally pulled away, a huge smirk on his face. "That was fun." 

The SQUIP was in charge. The glitch SQUIP, too. "Thank you, Logan. I will be going now." I said in a monotone voice.  I stood up and exited his car. I could see Michael driving away with John, who I had met before. 

"Michael knows the most about you. He saw that. He will find out that I am here. Unless we get to him first. 

Kill mode has activated." The SQUIP said out loud through me. I had no control. Not even enough to try and save Michael. 

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