Chapter 18

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//smut warning?

 Just stick with me.

Also, short chapter warning\\

Jeremy's POV

I sat at a table for two at Jill's Pizza. I looked around, hoping Logan would actually show up. Sure enough, Logan appeared. Smile, dork. Gerard said, behind me. I let my eyes crinkle as I gave a large grin to Logan as he approached.

"Hey, Jer." 

That's what Michael calls me. 

Cause it's your name, dumbass. 

"H-hi, Logan. How was your day?" I asked. Logan shrugged. "It was alright. Liam accidentally snuck into the cookie jar... and ate all of the cookies. So he was on a sugar rush when I left. I'm pretty sure he passed out." 

Ask him what he wants to eat. Then order the same. Gerard ordered. I looked at the menu. "Do you know what you are going to get?" 

Logan nodded. "Pizza. Cheese pizza." I smile. "Want to split one?" I ask. Logan returns the smile. "Sure!" 

//the idea\\

A waitress comes up to us. "Hello, boys.  My name is Talia and I will be taking care of you today. Do you know what refreshments you want to get?" 

I look at Logan to let him go first. "Mountain Dew, please." 

He forgot. He doesn't remember... 

I take a breath. "I'll take a water, please." 

Jerrrreeeemmmyyyyy. Why didn't you order soda?? I roll my eyes mentally at Gerard. He sticks his tongue out at me. 

"Alright. Are you all set to order or do you want more time?" Talia asked. Logan looked at me before looking at Talia. "I think we are ready to order." 

I order our meal. Talia nods and walks off. We sit in silence for a second. JOKE. TELL HIM A JOKE. I don't know any jokes. I DO. READY? What does a vsco girl call a SQUIP? A sksksksksquip! Gerard started to laugh hysterically. 

I rolled my eyes at him. Vsco girls. The 'new thing' as of 2019. It's stupid. A tik tok thing? Ick. Although... some of the vsco girls at my school were pretty hot. Chloe. Brooke. I gave a small sigh. 

"Hey, Logan. What do vsco girls call a SQUIP?" 

//I'm crying. The Squip Song just came on.

Also not my meme.\\

Logan looked at me. "What", he asked with a smile. "A sksksksksquip!" 

Logan started to laugh. Almost as much as Gerard. But he didn't beat my SQUIP. Gerard was rolling on the ground, laughing. Thank Zeus no one can see him. 

"That's good." Logan said between laughs. Gerard smiled at me. T-told ya! 

Me and Logan start to exchange jokes. Lo says he had gotten most of the jokes from Liam. I got my best jokes from Gerard. Apparently, this version of my SQUIP is very funny. 

Eventually, our pizza arrived. It was huge. All Cheese. Me and Logan each took a side and started to gobble down the pizza. Gerard tells me to slow down. Fuck him. 

Me and Logan finish our pizza and give Talia our-my money for the food. Gerard told me to pay. It took some convincing but I succeeded in the end.

Our plan is working, Heere. Gerard informs me. I nod ever so slightly. 

Logan takes my hand. My face goes red. He leads outside of the mall and to his car. "Y'know, no one has ever made me feel this way, Jeremy." Logan's pupils were dark. Oh shi-

"I think I love you. I've been with you for what- an hour? I feel we have a great connection." He pulls me into his car. Before I can answer, he smashes our lips together. I try to pull away but Gerard won't let me. 

It's our plan. He reminds me. 

Michael's POV 

I look over at John. We were sitting in the living room of my house. After the fire, we didn't bother going back to Rich. Not yet, anyway. "What's got you down, Mikey?" My cousin asks me. "I did tell Jeremy... in a way. I kissed him. He pulled back and.. we got into a fight." 


"We has a sleepover and had to see each other... it was a little awkward. Jeremy seemed a bit weird. But it happened. We didn't talk like we used to, though. I think it ruined our friendship in a way." I look at John to see his reaction. 

John was processing. Cue the processing meme. 

"Ok. What if we just give him time? How about we go to the mall?" I nodded after a second. "Alright. Let's go." 

John stood up. "I drive." He said with a smile. 

I sigh and stand up and follow John out of the door of my house. John had a Jeep. Nice car. John hops into the driver's seat and I walk around the car to get in the other side. 

John barely visited. It was really nice when he did. He was in college and only got a few breaks. Unless he came to visit, I would only see him during Christmas. 

We rode in silence to the mall. John knew his way around. Whenever he did visit, he would stay for a week. 

John pulled into the parking lot of the large mall that sat in the middle of Middleboro. Something caught my eye. A car was rocking back and forth. My heart stopped. 


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