Chapter 7

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Michael's POV

I lead Jeremy into the tiny theater where the show would be held. We both grabbed a pair of 3D glasses. Our hands still intertwined. I held in my blush by biting the side of my mouth. It worked. Or at least I hoped it did. Yet there was one thing in the back of my mind: I actually had a small chance with Jeremy now. I tried to not think that. Christine had just broken up with him. She was his crush for about five years. And now, he knew she and him would never be a thing. Well, not for a while, if ever. 

We walked into the small theater in silence. We found two seats and plopped into them. The show would be starting in ten minutes. I looked at Jeremy. Jeez- his face was extremely red from tears. He looked back at me and gave me a pained smile. 

He was probably going through a lot of pain right now. But then how would I know? I've never even been asked out. I sighed and smiled back. 

Jeremy's POV

I looked at Michael and tried to show him I wasn't in too much pain. It did not work. Obviously. Pretty soon, the lights dimmed and people rushed to their seats for the beginning of the show. I tried to relax a bit knowing the show would be a bit. I yawned and realized how tired I was. My eyes darted to Michael. He was watching the show. 

Hesitantly, I placed my head on his shoulder and shut my eyes. Yup. That's how tired I was. This felt unnatural but natural at the same time. I felt Michael's grip on my hand lighten. Occasionally, he rubbed by hand lightly. 

Michael's POV

I'm glad it was dark in the theater. My face was probably brighter than the sweatshirt tied around my waist. I smiled into the dark and looked at Jeremy. His eyes were lightly shut. My hand stroked his and I grinned. He was so cute. Good lord, help me. My crush on Jeremy was growing with every second. The show went on and Jeremy kept his eyes shut. Was he asleep? Did I have to wake him up when the show was over?! Please no, I would get to embarrassed especially after Christine. 

I kept my focus on the show and tried so hard ((NOPE-)) to not think of Jeremy testing on my shoulder. He was just tried right? He did not like me! He couldn't! That's impossible. I'm not his type. Right? Right. Time flies and the show ends. I look at Jeremy. His eyes were still closed even as the lights turned on. I shook his shoulder lightly. His eyes gently and slowly opened. 

He looked at me and I blushed lightly. He blushes back in embarrassment and sits up. "Gmhh. The shows over already?" His voice was raspy and tired. I nodded. He got up and shortly lost his balance. I reached out and grabbed his arm to help him. He smiled and thanked me. I nodded. Help me. Please. Someone help me. 

No one came to my aid. Why, Florida? 

I let go of his arm and stood up myself. Silently, we left the theater. I stopped outside. "I'm gonna text my mum. Don't worry: I won't tell her about what happened." I took out my phone and opened the texting app. My finger scrolled through the contacts and passed my mum. I tapped on "Rich Goranski." 

Micheel: Rich. I need your help. Me and Jeremy are together tan disney in Animal Kingdom. He is really upset and I need ideas for how to distract him!

I get a text back almost immediately. 

Richardwtf?! ((That's Rich If u haven't guessed. Also vines)): Snacks, slow rides in the beginning, faster rides later, maybe one of those safari tour thingys. 

Micheel: thx! 

I put my phone away and took out a map. Jeremy sat down next to me and looked over my shoulder to read the map. There were only huge rides near us. Then I spotted a close by lunch restaurant: the Flame Leaf Barbecue. ((Plz not there is a place called Flame Tree no copyright. Just from there...)) I looked at Jeremy. "You hungry for a small lunch?" I asked. He nodded and kept starring at the map.   

I stood up and looked back at him. He looked up at me for a second and got up. I started for the restaurant just across from the theater. Jeremy followed me close behind. He stayed silent and I got just a bit worried. We reached a small sized building that had a sign reading "Flame Leaf Barbecue". This was it.  

There was a receiving table in the fronted the restaurant. "Hello," a worker said. The worker was sitting at the table and looked very bored. I smiled at them. "Table for two, please." The worker nodded and brought us to a table at the side of the small restaurant. 

Jeremy sits across from me, he stayed silent as he looked over the menu. I did the same before a waiter came to our table. "Hello my name is Evan, I'll be taking care of you..." his voice was soft and nervous. "Do you know what you want for your drinks?" He looks at me first. "I'll have some water, please," I say. What? There are no slushees in the restaurant! "Me too," Jeremy says softly. Evan nods. He leaves silently. 

I look at Jeremy. He still doesn't seem better. This might be harder than I anticipated. He looks up at me and smiles his fake smile. I sigh. Evan comes back with our drinks. "Are you ready to order or do you need more time?" 

"I think we are ready to order..." Jeremy nods. "Erm.., could I get the Mac and Cheese with pulled pork?" He says. Evan nods. "Could I have the same?" Evan nods again. And leaves us alone again. "I'm sorry..." Jeremy said softly. I looked at him. "What? Why?" Jeremy shook his head. "I've been crying, and quiet, and I fell asleep, and-." 

"Jeremy,  it's alright! You do not need to apologize! It's not your fault that happened!" Jeremy nods sadly. More silence comes as we wait for our food. Faster than most restaurants, Evan shows up again with a tray holding a pair of grilled Mac and Cheese. It looked good. Evan gave us our food and nodded when we thanked him. 

I took and tasted the food. It was good. Not t the best, but good. "It's not poisonous," I joked seeing how Jeremy wasn't eating his. He didn't respond. Alright. I need a new plan. Hmmm. What would be a good distraction? What would I do to distract myself if I was upset? 

Video games.

Right. Oh! The safari! That'll work right? Welp. Let's find out. 

"Jeremy, after we finish wanna go on the safari?" Jeremy looks up. "Sure," he says quietly. I smile. I hoped so much that he would enjoy this. I want him to feel better. Not awful. If he would not have any fun during this time at Disney, it would be my fault. I'm making in it my priority to make sure Jeremy has fun during this trip.

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