Chapter 6

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Michael's POV

I stood in shock and silence. Me and George were both starring at the phone. Jeremy gave an occasional sob that broke the silence. "W-where are you? We're coming to get you," I said after a bit. "I-I c-can go t-to you..." Jeremy mumbled into the phone. "Are you sure?" George spoke. "W-who's t-that?" Jeremy asked. 

"That's George... we'll make our way to the entrance of Animal Kingdom, ok?" Jeremy mumbled an agreement. "Do you wanna stay on the phone?"  George asked. "Y-Yeah..." Jeremy said. Me and George speedily walked back to the entrance. We kept Jeremy on the phone. He sobbed as he told us the story. 

Jeremy's POV

Me and Christine finally got off of the bus. It was a long drive considering it was only about two miles away from the hotel. We went through the ticket line quickly and silently. I could tell something was up with Christine. "What's up?" I asked when we got inside the park. We walked closer and closer to the castle at the end of the street ahead of us as we talked. She shrugged unconvincingly. 

Then a girl from our school runs up to us and starts to walk besides Christine. The girl seemed... like a popular one. A cheerleader, if you Will. (( :D )) She whispered something to Christine that I couldn't head. Christine nodded and whispered something back. The girl ran ahead of us, Christine's followed her as she ran toward the castle. 

"You gonna  tell me what you were  talking about right there?" I asked her. Christine shook her head. I sigh. She'll say it when she is ready. We got closer and closer to the castle. The crowd around us became more packed. I stayed close to Christine. I heard Christine sigh. She was looking at the same girl that had just talked to her. The girl was laughing and talking with a friend of hers. I thought I noticed some longing in her eyes. 

"Jere... that was Brittney. She... I..." I looked at her as she spoke. Usually, she had an idea of what she was going to say in her head. But not this time. Something was definitely up.  After some time, Christine continues. "Jeremy. We've been together for a bit, now." What was she hinting at? "I... I wanna be with Brittney..." I stopped  for a moment. What? She... she didn't want to be with me? My eyes stung and I nodded, unable to say a word. "G-go t-then..." I managed to choke out. Christine looked at me for a second, awkwardly before heading off to join Brittney and her friend. 

I made my way through the crowd to the edge of the side walk and sat down. I sobbed quietly and reached for my phone. I opened it and tapped on the "Call" app. I hit te most recent call I made. Michael. He would help me. Right? He wouldn't ditch me too! Right? Hopefully. The phone rang for two rings and the Michael answered. "Hello? Jeremy?" I heard him say. 

A choke sob came as my answer before I added: "C-Christine b-broke up w-with m-me" I said quietly. He asked  me if I wanted him to come pick me up so i wouldn't be alone. I refused through tears and mumbled I would go to Animal Kingdom. My chest wheezed as I stood up when they say alright. I headed toward the exit and felt pairs of eyes on my back. I kept my head down and spoke quietly when I had to. 

I reached the exit just in time to hop on a bus to Animal Kingdom. The knot in my throat was not going away. It probably won't go away for a while. As soon as I found an empty seat, tears raced faster down my face. I couldn't believe that had just happened. It could not have been real. It wasn't real! I refused to think it was real. 

It was. It always will be.

The bus driver started up the engine. A family was sitting across from me. The parents had a small child. One of the parents told the kid to not stare. I couldn't see them, as I was looking out the window. But I could hear them perfectly. We got closer to Animal Kingdom and wiped my tears from my face. There was still a giant knot in my throat. At least I could hide that part from the public. My face was probably red with tears along with my eyes. Small eyelashes clamped together in front of my vision making it a bit hard to see.

The bus ride seemed extremely long. Eventually, the bus came to a stop. I jumped up and felt rushed to get off of the bus. I saw Michael immediately with his usual red sweatshirt. His sweatshirt was tied around his waist and he had a black tang-top on. He was standing with someone who I assumed was a George. Wow. They looked kind of similar.

Michael notices me and rushed over with George following close behind. He ran up to me and grabbed me. He pulled me into a tight hug. I hugged back. The knot in my throat seemed to untie itself into a loser version of itself. We stayed like that for a long while. George stood awkwardly behind us. I gripped Michael harder as I, against my will, remembered the scene of Christine and how she had joyfully run off to join some other girl that was not me. And it was a girl! 

I mean: I support LGTBQ+, but it can hurt. A lot. 

Tears started to fall again as the scene replayed once more. Michael Hughes tighter as e noticed the tears. It felt good to have someone to cry to. What did not feel good was knowing Christine did not love me back. It hurt so freckin much. 

Michael pulled away after five minutes. He looked concerned. "How about we go on a ride or something? Hm? A distraction always helps me when I'm upset," he said softly. I nodded. Michael turned to see George sitting at the side of the side walk waiting patiently. "I can go... let you two be alone. I'm free tomorrow, if you're feeling up to it," George said to both of us. With that he got up and headed to the parking lot to find his car. 

Michael put a hand on my shoulder. "It'll be alright," he said as I wiped my tears. Again. "Hmmmm.... how about the 'It's Tough to be a Bug" show?" I nodded. Whatever ride or show would be fine. I just needed a distraction. Badly. 

Michael gently grabbed my hand and lead me into the park. We went through the entire line to get in. That was quick and silent. Michael kept holding my hand and I did not pull back. Occasionally, my grip would tighten in his hand and he would face me. "It'll be alright," he would whisper or some type of version of that. 

We finally made it to a small theater where a Bug's Life short film would be playing. Me and Michael never broke our link. Never.

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