Chapter 3

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Michael's POV

About two months have passed since the movie theater. It was now May. The day before we would leave for Disney. Me, Jere, and Christine all got picked to go and my moms both put a lot of money into me going and I was really glad they did. We did not have a lot of money so this was special to me. And I was going with Jeremy! But with Christine.

I don't know how Jeremy doesn't notice how rude Christine is. She can be so mean. I've seen her be awful to kids at school. I haven't tried to tell Jeremy because he might end up mad. But I know other people like Rich has tried to tell him. Jeremy just turned his back on Rich and spat at him saying that Rich was only jealous of him. Because he got Christine instead of Rich. I knew that was not true and so did everyone else. Everyone except Jeremy. Christine just seemed a little harsh to Jeremy when they became a couple. I knew that Jeremy liked that. But everyone else did not. 

Well, anyways....

Me, Jeremy, Christine, and everyone else who was going to Disney was lined up ready to get on the hour plane ride to get there. I did not recognize some of the others there, so I assumed they were not in my grade. Some looked younger than me. Most looked older than us. A younger girl stood ahead of us. She was ranting to two of her friends who looked like twins. One of the twins pointed behind the girl at us. The young girl whipped around and gasped. We all looked at her confused. "You're Jeremy! Aren't you?" The girl asked. 

Jeremy nodded wearily. "Yes, I am," he said softly. The girl looked back at the two twin boys behind her. The boys stayed quiet. "I'm Sinead! These are my friends Logan and Liam. They're twins." The girl turned to me. "Michael, right?" I nodded. She smiled at me. "I was at the play", she announced. I saw the whole thing!" She sounded tremendously happy for something wrong that had happened. Christine broke in. "Oh, I know you!" She smiled her kind smile that she gave everyone when they officially met her. Sinead grinned back, believing her grin. 

Liam stayed quiet. Logan spoke up. "Sorry. Sinead is a bit... er, crazy at times," he apologized. I shook my head. "It's fine," I said for the three of us. Sinead glared at Logan for a second. To me, Logan seemed the most civilized. Sinead seemed crazy and filled with energy. While, Liam, quiet and shy. Sinead turned back to the twins as a flight attendant started to key everyone on. The small group of kids heading to Disney was close to the entrance so we were let in close to the beginning. 

We got to our seats. The three of us sat in one row. The usual seating occurred. I was on the aisle, Jeremy was in the middle, and Christine, of course, got the window seat. People started to flood the plane. Little kids were talking excitedly, wearing Mickey or Minnie ears. I smiled at the sight. Soon, a flight attendant stood at the front of the plane and waited for the pilot to come onto the loud speaker. I paid no attention to the safety tips. I knew all of it. Just had to use logic. Before long, the plane started up it's engine. I could feel the rumbling under my feet on the floor of the plane. 

Five minutes passed and the plane started to move. It gained speed as it went along. Then slowed. And sped up again. I quickly popped gum and my mouth and offered some to Jeremy and Christine. Jeremy took some but Christine ignored the offer. I felt my body push against the seat as the plane got faster and faster. Another pull backwards and the plane wheels lifted off the ground. My ears popped lightly and I chew my gum faster to stop them from popping more. Christine popped a life saver candy into her mouth to help her ears. The plane ride was silent except for Sinead whispering to the twins across from us and a few small kids chattering excitedly. 

I could almost feel the excitement of the people on the plane as we got closer and closer. The plane reached it's height and more silence followed. Sinead finally became quiet, too excited to talk now. Christine held Jeremy's hand causing me to look away. I had gotten worse when they did stuff like that. I think Christine was doing on purpose now. Jeremy, he didn't get it. So, of course he followed Christine's lead and held her hand. 

Then, the plane started it's descent. The flight seemed incredibly short, looking back at it. But it felt like time was dragging by when I was actually waiting minute by minute. I plopped another gum in my mouth, the previous having run out of taste and gone in the trash bag and flight attendant had brought down the aisle. I chewed more as we descended down towards the earth. Soon, my chewing turned to light comps as my ears popped suddenly and harshly. I didn't remember how much I hated landing. How my ears would explode with pain causing a fogginess to climb over my hearing.  "Welcome to Orlando, Florida!" A voice called over the speaker. ((As the book/musical takes place in New Jersey, Florida is closest...)) I looked to my left to see Sinead, her knee bouncing excitedly as she whispered to Logan and Liam. 

I felt a jolt as the plane landed.  My ears were at the worse stage of popping. I hated it. This might be my first time in Disney, but that doesn't mean it's my first time on a plane.  My hand was clenched in a fist until Jeremy put an arm on my shoulder. I took the silent encouragement and relaxed my arm. But not really myself as a whole. For some reason, I felt anxious about going to Disney. I did not know why. What I did know was that this might be a tricky trip for most of us.

Jeremy's POV

I held Christine's hand. We had not let go of the each other's hand the whole time unless we had to readjust or something. I could see the worry on Michael's face and hoped everything was going ok for him. He better enjoy Disney! I would make sure he did. Michael had told me that he hated going on planes and I could see that the most while we landed. His face crunched up and he held his fists tightly together. I wanted to make a comforting move like patting his back or something. I put a hand on Michael's shoulder to try and calm him down even in the slightest. "If you're gonna enjoy Disney, you have to not be freaking out..." I jokingly reminded him in whisper. He gives a smile and I know I cheered him up a bit. Goal achieved.

The people sitting in the front got up as the plane came to a stop. We grabbed our stuff and hoped in the slow moving line to get off. I got Christine's luggage for her. Our bags had been brought on the plane with us. She smiled and thanked me. I felt myself blush lightly. Michael let Sinead and the twins out of their row and followed them off the plane. My ears ached a bit as I stepped off of the plane onto a platform leading to the airport. I looked around the packed place. A family was running, apparently late for a flight. It was loud and crowded. I looked out in awe at the amount of people there. There was a tired energy in the air. It was close to 11:00 in the morning yet everyone seemed tired and worn out. 

The small amount of us regrouped. Mr. Iconis, the supervisor for the trip made sure everyone was there and lead the way to get onto the bus to get to Disney. We walk in a messy line. People were walking around everywhere. It was warm and I knew that outside would be even more hotter. Mr. Iconis led us below the luggage pick up area to where the transportation spot was. There was different busses for different theme parks and places one could go when visiting. I recognized a Universal part and a Sea World part as we walked down a lane of booths. Mr. Iconis lead us to the back where there was the Disney booth. The booth worker looked up and smiled at us. "Hello," the worker greeted us. Mr. Iconis smiled. "Hello. We are going to the Pop Century Resort, could you tell us which bus to take, please?" 

The worker nodded and started to explain the directions to Mr. Iconis. I liked Mr. Iconis. Everyone did. There was not one person in the school who did not like him. I stopped listening to what the worker said to turn to Christine and Michael. But I found just Christine. Michael was off talking to Sinead and the two twins. Still, Liam was not talking. I wondered if the kid even had a voice. I think Michael took a liking to them. Otherwise, why would he be over with them? I motioned for Christine to follow me over to Michael. She followed me after a quick sigh. I knew she was tired. We all were. Me and Christine made it over to the three and tried to join their conversation. "It's like SO fun, Michael. I can't be you've never been to Disney!" Sinead was saying dramatically. "Well it's his fault his parents are so poor. The way he HAS to have everything," Christine mutters. 

Then something happens that surprises me. "At least he has a kind heart," a quiet yet serious voice says. I turn to see Liam glaring at Christine. This might end up being a long trip after all. 

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