Chapter 8

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Michael's POV

We finished up our food and gave Evan our check. We told him to charge the school since that was how we needed to pay. Of course. I gave Evan a five dollar tip. He thanked me and left us to go out on our own. 

I lead Jeremy to the safari. He followed me a little uncertain. "Michael, where are we going?" I look back at him and smirk. "You'll see when we get there." Jeremy grumbles something and I smile. "It'll be fun. I promise." 

I lead Jeremy down a path leading to a panel. The panel has a line zigzag leading to the other side of it where busses are lined up picking up riders. Together, we reach a wooden panel. I turn back to look at Jeremy. He realizes what we are doing. He smiles at me and I smile back. He will have fun on this. We join the line and take our turn waiting. 

The line moves slowly but never stops moving. Wow- there are a lot of busses here for the tour. The tour busses just kept lining up. There was never a time where there would be no less than two busses. 

Soon enough, we made it to the front of the line. A worker told us to go to the fifth row. There were seven rows to a bus and each row could fit six people. Three on each side. I let Jeremy sit on the window edge of the bench so he had a better view of the animals that would appear on his side.  

The bus started moving and a voice came on the speaker. "Hello and welcome to the Kilimanjaro Safari! We are so pleased you could join us to visit the wilderness of Africa! We will be going around and trying to see what amazing creatures we can find!" The voice pauses. "Please make sure all items are tucked away safely and please keep all arms and legs inside the vehicle at all times. Thank you and please enjoy commentary by your driver." The recorded statement came to an end and the driver picked up a speaker connected to the radio thingy. ((Welp me))

"Hello riders! My name is Jared! ((YOU CANT STOP ME)) and I will be your driver. Up here... we have the emptiness of Africa... let's hope we spot some animals this trip!" 

The driver earned some laughs as he drove along. It took some time before any animals did show up. A small  kid shouted "look! A zebrey!" While pointing a finger at a zebra. Jared kept going down the trail and more zebras showed up. Jared laughs. "We seem to have come across a mysterious type of species here! Did you know that one can tell zebras apart by looking at their butt?" He snickered at the reaction. 

Jeremy turned and smiled at me. One that seemed to be a real one. Good. I smile back at him as Jared continues to drive slowly along the path. The zebras soon were out of sight and everyone was searching for what animal would show up next. 

A river came into view and a couple kids gasped. Crocodiles were lined up and scattered all the way across the river's bank. "These are Nile Crocodiles. When they are in their eggs, did anyone know that the crocs gender depended on temperature?" Those who answered shook their heads. How many weird facts did Jared know? All of them? Probably. 

A kid started to hang over the wall of the bus. Jared's voice immediately went serious. "Hey! Don't do that! Please." The kid was pulled back by a parent. The parent apologized and Jared just nodded. Wonder what happened there... welp. 

I turned back to Jeremy and the safari. Jeremy was watching the tour excitedly. The crocodiles soon disappeared like the zebras. Jared followed the river which then spread out into a small pond. Swans and birds were floating gracefully above the water. I noticed two swans swimming together. One of them had a broken wing. Poor thing... The other seemed to be trying to comfort the hurt one. The hurt swan kept rejecting it before finally giving in. 

Jared stayed silent for this round. I stole a glance at him. He seemed upset. No fun, extremely weird and extra facts. Not this time. Jared kept driving. The pond went back into a river and then to a small thin stream before disappearing. Another field appeared. 

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