Chapter 21

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//Violence and torture.\\

Rich's POV 

The SQUIP grabbed the taser tightly in my hand. I had to warn Michael!

I began walking back towards where I had left Michael. I gathered all the strength I had. 

"MICHAEL RUN" I yelled before loosing consciousness. The SQUIP had complete control now. 

Michael's POV

I looked up when Rich screamed something at me. A taser was in his hand. I took a second to process before I jumped up and sprinted out the door. 

Wind whipped through my hair once again. Why was this happening?!?!

I heard Rich racing behind me. I didn't stop to look backwards, no. I kept running. I ran as fast as I could. Why did Rich have a taser??

Before I knew it, hands grabbed me. Hands that were too big to be Rich's. I looked up and saw John. 


John held me back with incredible strength. I tried to break free of his grip but I couldn't. Rich caught up to us. I realized both of their eyes were the same shade of blue. 

Rich held out the taser. I tried harder to escape my cousin's grip but I still was unable to be freed. Blue lightning buzzed from the taser. 

Rich jabbed the taser at me and oh man did it hurt. I let out a loud yell. John's hand quickly covered my mouth to muffle my screams. 

Again, Rich did the same motion and I felt the same pain. But Rich kept the taser there and more pain appeared above my waist where he was hitting me. 

"STOP" I heard someone yell. I was about to look up but Rich jabbed me again and I lost consciousness and slid to the ground. 


What happened? 

Before I opened my eyes, I let my other senses detect where I was. 

I was laying on a bed. The material felt familiar but I knew it wasn't the bed that belonged in my bedroom. 

I heard multiple beeping noises. Beep. Beep. Beep. Repeatedly.

I recognized the main thing I smelled but I couldn't place a name or object to it. 

I felt pain almost everywhere. 

I listened closer and realized that someone was sobbing quietly. 

Slowly, I opened my eyes. The room was bright and it took a few seconds for my eyes to adjust. I realized I was in a hospital room. I raised my head as much as I could before my neck started to hurt. 

I spotted a figure leaning on the edge of my hospital bed, his head in his hands. 

"J-Jeremy?" I asked weakly. 

Jeremy looked up and I was thrilled to see normal (but wet) brown eyes. "Michael-? You're awake!" He let out a relieved sigh. 

"What happened?" I asked quietly. 

"The SQUIP happened. Again." 

I nodded. "I know that. But what happened?"

"It's a long story,"

I glared at Jeremy before regretting it. Everything hurt. "Pretty sure I'm gonna be here for a long time."

Jeremy sighed. 

"Before the sleepover at Rich's house, I activated the SQUIP because I noticed you were out of it-."

"WHY Do you still have that god awful thing?" I asked yelling at first. Apparently my throat hurts as well. 

"I kept it for an emergency." Jermey paused. "I turned it on and you got better over time.. but then I realized.." his voice got quiet. "I like you. It told me to get laid. It got Logan to like me so you would be jealous. But then you discovered me and Logan top early. It must've been upset or something that it's plan didn't work. It wanted to kill you.

You ran.. it was able to connect to John's SQUIP that he got removed years ago. And then it got to Rich's SQUIP. His SQUIP didn't want to cooperate and decided to kill you thinking that this would destroy my SQUIP's plan when it's really aiding it's plan.

Christine... she heard me when I was controlled by the SQUIP explain it's plan out loud, it didn't know she was there. She told Brooke who was with Chloe, Jake, and Jenna. The four of them decided to go and help despite my SQUIP being able to control them. Rich attacked you with his taser and Christine was the first to get to you. She.. was able to knock Rich and John back. Apparently, she did karate as a kid. She then found me and pinned me down. She forced Mountain Dew Red down my throat. Me, John, and Rich all passed out. Chrissy called the ambulance just as Jenna, Chloe, Brooke, and Jake arrived. We woke up three days later. I got my SQUIP permanently removed so it's gone now." Jeremy finished. 

"Why were you crying?" I asked innocently. 

Jeremy shuffled his feet. 

"The doctor said if you didn't wake up in three days then they would confirm you to be in a long-term coma." He said quietly. "And it would be all my fault." 

There was a silence between us before I spoke.

"I like you too, Jeremy." I said quietly.

Jeremy looked up at me before shaking his head. "No you don't. You're just saying it."

"No. I'm not just saying it." I said before pushing myself up and past the pain and crashing mine and Jeremy's lips together. Jeremy stood there, shocked for a moment before melting into the kiss. 

"Jeremy. I love you."

"I love you too." 

Jeremy's perfect. 

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