Are we gonna pinky promise next?

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At least once a month all the cleaners have to check into the office at Clean Approach and replenish their supplies. Unfortunately, today it was my turn to drop by the office before heading out to the homes.

As expected, Rachel pounced as soon as I entered, following me around asking meaningless questions until she felt enough time had passed to really go for gold.

"So Riley, have you uh.. Have you met Zak?" She asks, making me glance away from the various bottles of cleaners in our supply room and over to her.

"I have."


"And what?" I respond looking at her as she twists her red hair into some fancy up do.

"And what is he like?"

I frown slightly "Like a normal guy wanting his house cleaned."

She remains quiet for a little while, watching me pick up bottles that I need for the day. "We've had him on the books for a while. He's never needed an extra day worth of cleaning. Do you know why he has asked?"

"Not a clue." I answer before adding "I hope this is nothing to do with my cleaning."

"I have no idea. I did try to find out but he didn't answer. Maybe it would be worth leaving a survey this time?"

I sigh quietly wondering if my cleaning was the problem, I've always prided myself on my work and to think that I have done such a bad job that they need another day worth of cleaning, not only upsets me but makes me feel incompetent in my job.

"I'll take one over." I answer, hating that I have to use the surveys.

Rachel had brought them into practice a few months ago after various clients complained about quality of work being left by their cleaners. I was one of a few that didn't need to take the surveys out the door, now I was and it sucked.

"Well I hope you have a good day and check back in later. I'd like to know how you got on and the outcome of the survey, just in case we do need to change you over."

I nod "Sure thing."

I leave Rachel and head into the main office area to jot down the supplies I had taken so that she can reorder them for the others. Snagging up one of the survey clipboards, I stuff it under my arm and head out.


Living on a private community only screams wealth and it was something I had never considered until I drove towards Zak's house. But if that wasn't a indication on how wealthy he was to own a large house, the two cars parked on the drive where...

"Holy shit." I breathe looking at the sleek supercar and a high class Mercedes and a Rolls Royce being washed.

Sitting behind the wheel of the van, I watch as a man emerges, phone poised out in front of him, filming the soap foamed cars. From the shirt logo on his back, I can tell he is also a cleaner, only he does the cars, whilst I do the house. I wait until he lowers the phone before I get out and haul my supplies up the drive.

"Oh, hi." He says turning at the sound of my equipment clunking together.

"Morning." I smile back.

"Here let me help you."

Before I can refuse his offer of help (Because I don't want to be a damsel in distress) he snags up the cleaning bucket full of bottles and cloths.

"Oh.. Uh thank you." I add following him up the drive quickly.

"So you're the cleaner huh?" He asks looking over me as we get to the first gate.

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