Not over.

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My heart felt as though it was in my mouth as we stopped on top of the stairs, looking towards the twins bedroom. I could barely see anything with my eyes, I had to use the small LCD screen to be able to make out Zak's determined face. 

"Maybe we should just wait?" I suggest as he goes to step forward. 

He pauses "Why would we do that?" 

"Um... Maybe the ghost is having a nap?" 

He chuckles "Nervous huh?"

"That obvious?" I ask him back before looking at the door. 

Zak must sense my apprehension through his super power and changes tactics. "Let's do some EVPS out here."

"Evie who? Where is she?"

His laugh is loud and sudden which causes me to jump and instinctively grab onto his arm. Once I realise that I'm not being attacked, I pout. 

"I-I am sorry." He laughs. "I just... Oh damn. You got me good." He chuckles. He then explains that EVP stands for Electronic Voice Phenomena, basically a recorder to communicate with Casper and his not so friendly friends.

"So what do I need to do?" I ask when he pushed it into my hand. 

"You speak. Ask questions... Have you got questions?" He asks looking at me patiently. I nod before answering with a yes.

"Okay good. It's best if you don't fidget and record all your movements so that we can debunk it when we review." He says, lifting my arm slightly, so that it is out in front of me before stepping aside. "Rolling on recorder...." 

I have to use my camera to see him signalling for me to speak. "H-hi. Can you leave please?"

I don't miss his quiet amused snort and feeling like an idiot, I turn my camera onto him. "Marking on recorder. Zak snorting."

He lifts a hand in apology before stepping closer to my side. I'm just about to mark that when he stops the recorder. "Riley, sweetie.. You're showing a lot of fear."

"I can't help-"

"I know." He interrupts rubbing his hand up and down my back. "But you can't show fear to this, it only gives it more power. Okay?"

I nod.

"Just follow me lead. Use a strong voice. Watch.." He says before turning on the recorder in my hand. "We know you're here. We want to know why? So come over here to this recorder and tell me what your name is?!"

I wait, afraid to move despite the fact his breath is fanning on my neck, making it tickle.

"You been harming the children here! Why?! What do you want from them?" He asks.

I'm not sure if it is sense or stupidity that comes over me, but I push my chest out and lift my chin as a surge of strength comes to me. "Tell me who you are!" I demand.

"Good work. Keep going."

I nod with his encouragement and call out again. "Are you a little girl? Or are you something darker?"

"You didn't like it when I told you that playtime was over? Well guess what? It is!"

After a few seconds Zak takes the recorder and stops it. "Nice work. Let me take this, I wanna review it now."

"Okay." I answer. 

I watch as he presses a few buttons and raises it up between us. My voice begins playing out the recorder, making me cringe at the sound. The first few questions are a miss, and I was about to tell Zak that we failed when he stopped the recorder. 

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