Many faces.

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After all introductions had been done, I helped Zak, Billy and Aaron carry the cases into Avery's garage. Thankfully, our niche for cleaning had extended to there, as the guys had plenty of room to set up a station, that they called Nerve.

"This is a lot of equipment." I say out loud making Billy look up. 

"Nah, it's not all of it."

My eyes widen "There's more than this?" 

He nods making me whistle "Damn you guys must get one hell of a work out carrying it all."

Aaron laughs. "We have got used to it now, and it's not too bad when biceps here can carry four cases." He says nodding his head in Zak's direction. 

"Well they have certainly come in use." Zak answers before doing an arm curl with one of the cases, just to prove a point or to impress me.  I'm not sure which it is, but I smile anyway. 

"Dude... Didn't you do crafties?" Aaron asks making me turn away from Zak's arm curls to Billy who was wiring up monitors.

A realisation comes over his face. "No... Was I suppose to do that too?"

"I text you about it. You gotta keep checking your messages, Bro." Aaron complains. 

"What's crafties?" I ask. 

"Food." Both Zak and Billy reply. 

"Aaron is a constant picker, like a foraging squirrel or a bear just before hibernation. Don't let his body shape trick you, this guy can eat." Zak says making Aaron laugh. 

"Oh come on dude, we share a lot of food. You eat it too."

"I do, but you're a hamster with the cheeks."

The pair joke around as they open up cases and begin setting out the equipment. Feeling as though I was in the way, I decide to speak up. 

"I will do a crafties run."

"You don't have to-"

"You either accept food or payment for all this." I interrupt Zak making him raise a brow.

"We have hours before we start our investigation. I'll do it after." Zak says waving it off. 

"No you won't. I will." I answer.

"Oh really?"

"Yeah. So what's it gonna be?" I challenge.

"Oh I like her." Aaron whispers to Billy from behind me, almost making me smile. 

"Well?" I push waiting for Zak to answer. 

He sighs "Damn it. Do the crafties run, I'm not taking money off you."

I fist pump before turning to both Aaron and Billy. "Tell me what your hearts desire!"


Walking around the grocery store, I feel a little guilty from the contents of my cart. It wasn't a picture of health, from potato chips, candy, crackers, protein bars, fruit cereal bars, and drinks. Although I can confirm that a lot of it was for the twins who decided to give me one heck of a shopping list when I rang Avery. 

I wanted to keep her in the loop, considering it was her house and it affected her children. I also wanted to make sure that they weren't bouncing off the walls... They weren't.

I had split the trolley, making sure that when I got to the cashier that I could separate the items when packed. There was method in my madness when shopping. You'll see.

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