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Am I the only person who notices the vast majority of 'Happy Couples' that seem to be lingering around in the summer air in Vegas? 

Or have I turned into a single bitter person?

The bar I am currently stood in is cosy, warm and intimate, with small white lanterns hanging from the branches above my head as I sit outside, looking out across the horizon at the strip, on a table seated for two, with a white candle sat in a volcano glass in the middle. 

Only there was one problem with this seemly perfect evening...

I have been stood up.

Glancing at my watch, I sigh and rise up from my seat, deeming Mike's 10 minutes lateness as enough. The surrounding tables were full of couples, swooning over each other and sharing a beautiful evening, blissfully unaware of the stewing single person being ignored.

There must be a knack to ignore someone as pitiful as I look. Because by now, I am sure I would have noticed a single woman looking around, slightly hopeful that a stranger known only by the name of Mike, will show up and be an absolute catch and we will dance the night away...

But no, instead I was sat here, watching the women get their meals, whilst sat in gorgeous dresses and light shoulder wraps, fawning over the men with their shirt sleeves rolled to their elbows, exposing some muscle and tanned skin. 

I keep my wrap firmly around my shoulders, determined not to let the heat of this warm summers evening effect me, because under this white wrap was dark blue floral dress that I hated, but Avery loved.

The need to find out more information about Zak had led me down this path, a blind date with Mike the no show. Right now, I hated her, but when I find out the information I want, I'll love her.. I think.

"Can I help you?" A member of staff asks making me smile slightly. 

"I think I've been stood up." I admit, expecting to be asked to give up my table. So taking my own initiative, I get up and put my clutch under my arm. "I better let you guys have the table."

Taking pity on me, the lady guides me to the bar. "Well you may as well have a drink whilst you're here. It's a shame to end the night so early. Come on. It's on me." She smiles. Touched by her kindness, I follow. 

I'm three drinks in, when a man approaches me at the bar. 

"Hi." He smiles making me glance over to him. 

"Evening." I reply politely, ignoring the inner voice that is telling me to yell screw off. 

"I'm Mike." He says making me look up from my drink and over to him. His dirty blonde hair is cut short and green eyes sparkle like emeralds in the low lighting. In smart dress pants, a white shirt and tie. 

I'm about to comment on his attire, to tell him that he looks good, when he says "I've just come from work. I couldn't be bothered to go home and change." 

"Well you look great." I reply, even if he hadn't made an effort for this. My eyes glance over to the bar wall where a clock is sat on a shelf, leant against the wall rather than hung. 

He was two hours late...

"Shall we have a drink? I need a drink. Pretty shitty day." He sighs, pushing his hand through his hair. 


What is one more drink? 

How long is a date suppose to last?

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