Hit me with the creepy stuff.

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"And Rapunzel and the prince lived happily ever after.." I conclude closing the book on my knees.

Silence hangs in the air as I grin up to Avery who has been stood against the door jab. But she smirks, because she knows what is coming.... 

"Why didn't Rapunzel cut off her hair and save herself?" Grace asks.

Now that is my girl!

"Um.." I trail off as a chorus of questions come at me.

"Did they live in his castle?"

"Yeah if he is a prince, he has a castle. How big is it?"

"Does it have a dragon?"

"Does it have two dragons?!"

Avery simply cocks her head to the side with an 'I told you so' look before taking control of the room. "Okay girls, you've had your story-"

"We had two stories." Grace corrects her before shooting me a grin.

"Two stories.. Which means it is way past your bedtime. Come on." 

I take it as my cue and pull myself off the beanbag which has been placed between their beds. Avery said it's so they can both see the book. I think its so they can jump from one bed to the other. At least that is what we used to do as children.


"No buts, say good night to Auntie Riley."

"Night Auntie Riley!" They both sing before giggling. 

"Sleep tight girls."

Escaping the room, I head downstairs and into the kitchen where I pour both myself and Avery a glass of wine before taking it into the lounge where the child monitor is sat on the table. Avery's soft voice comes through as she says her good nights before making her way down stairs too.
Looking fresh faced and relaxed after her bath, she falls into the couch. "What a day." 

"Long one?"

"With no sleep? You betcha. Now... Hit me with it." She says sitting up to grab her glass. 

"How do you know I have any gossip or information?"

She cocks a brow. "I know you. You bought enough food to sink a battleship. Now, what is going on?"

There is no lie to her statement. I was so consumed in the gifts left at my door that I over ordered, because I couldn't remember what I had chosen. 

"You've got plenty of noodles now though." I point out.

"The girls love noodles, but I think we will have to draw the line somewhere... Stop changing the subject."

I pull a face before getting off the couch and retrieving my bag, when I return I produce the small black box and hand it to her.

"What is it?"

"Open it." I tell her sinking back into the armchair I had commandeered.

Placing her glass down, she opens the box and like expected, her eyes widen. "Oh my God. It's beautiful."

"I know."

"What stone is it?" She asks taking it out of the box and holding it into the air.

"Rose Quartz. No, actually its Madagascar Rose Quartz. Mavis was there when I opened it. She knows all about stones." I tell her.

"Madagascar.. So it's worth something?"

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