Once upon a ghost story...

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Through fear of potentially losing not one but two clients in the space of a few days, I didn't tell Rachel about the run in with Zak. Only ringing her to ask whether she had found a replace to cover my cleaning job at Grantley's. She hadn't, and from her tone of voice, it didn't seem like she was willing to, which meant it fell to me to clean his home.

However, something must have been in the Vegas air because Grantley, who is a textbook creep, was preoccupied with a train set, which meant I was able to do my job without having him leering at me the entire time I was there. I left his home with a spring in my step and a little hopeful that things were on the up. 

I also had Grantley's weakness and after sharing the information with Avery, she was able to find a train show which aired on TV the same time I do my cleaning. Meaning I had another way of making him disappear.

Joel hadn't made another appearance since I asked for my key back and Zak was- I don't know what had happened there. 

I was concerned, of course. His explosion was uncalled for and out the blue. I wasn't sure what was wrong with him or if he needed help. For all I know, he could have a split personality disorder. I didn't know enough about him to put myself in what could and probably was a dangerous situation. 

"This is one man that I cannot live without." I sigh sinking into Avery's couch.

"Amen to that sister. Amen." She replies clinking her wine glass to mine. 

"We all set to go again?" I ask. 

"Hell yes."

Grabbing the remote control, I hit play and watch as Alexander Skarsgard appears on the TV again, as the character Tarzan. The past two days, I have been staying at Avery's, to help with the twins and to get out of the apartment. 

I informed Mavis before I left, just in case she thought I had been kidnapped. She was high at the time, so the next morning, I posted a note through her door telling her to ring me if she needs anything as well as where I will be (again). 

For the first time, I experienced what Avery has to put up with when the girls have a bad night. There was cries, screams and endless relays of going up and down the stairs. It lasted all night until finally, at 5.30 am, the girls gave up their fight and went to sleep. 

We were almost half way through the film when the sound of feet reverberated through the floor. Avery grabbed the controller and paused it, determined not to miss a second of the topless hunk on the TV. 

Can't blame her for that.. 


Avery sighs and goes to set down her glass when I hop up. "I'll go. You've been up and down the stairs, perhaps I can settle them?"

"Please, be my guest." She answers. 

"Mommy is on the phone." I call back and head into the hallway to see Grace sat at the top of the stairs. "What's up?"

"I can't sleep. I'm not tired." She mumbles rubbing her eyes. 

"Let's get into bed and try." 

I can't help but smile as I walk up the stairs to see Grace yawning, for someone not tired, she soon shoots back into her room and clambers into her bed. 

Olivia is out of bed too, sat at the drawing table, scribbling furiously away at the paper, unaware I had even entered the room until I speak.  "Hey thing 1, what are you doing out of bed?"

She looks up at me sheepishly before getting up "Am I in trouble too?"

"Nobody is in trouble. Let's get back into bed though.." I say watching as she grabs the paper and haphazardly piles them together before leaving them on the table. 

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