Same paging it.

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"I can't believe you went without me." Avery mutters, sinking into the armchair opposite me. "I would have loved to have seen her face.. But I understand why you wanted to do it alone. I'm proud of you."

"It did feel good."

"I bet. Will you miss it though? Not working for her, I mean seeing Zak and Gracie? I know you enjoyed seeing his dog." 

I mull the idea over and give it a shrug. "I probably will. Although I called her by a variety of names before I knew she was called Gracie. But yeah, I think I will for a little while."

"And him?" Avery probes, watching my face for a reaction. 

"I'd be a liar if I said no. But it is what it is." I answer. 

Avery goes to respond when a knock at the door cuts her off. "Speak of the devil." She jokes getting up to answer it. 

"Oh don't. I don't think I can handle anymore of this mess today." I reply as she leaves the lounge.

I wait, wondering if she is right as she opens the door, when I hear her give a hoot in surprise. Frowning, I set my glass down and get up crossing the room. 

"You're not the woman I want." A voice says making Avery scoff. 

"Well noticed. What do you want?" She asks. 

"Where is Riley? I want to speak to her."

I peer around the corner to see Avery's back ramrod straight and ready to take on Zak who has appeared on my doorstep. I can only see a partial glimpse of him through the mirror in the hallway. 

"She isn't here." Avery responds. 

"Then where is she? I don't know where else to look and I really want to sort this out with her." He answers. 

"You should have thought about that before you had secret meetings with Rachel. Why didn't you tell Riley what was going on? Don't you think that would have been better? Instead of keeping her in the dark!" Avery snaps making me leave the hiding spot and approach the door.

Ever since Avery had found out, she has been biding her time to rip a strip out of Zak and after today, I don't think I have it in me for more arguing..

I take the door from Avery's grip and open it up to reveal a slightly dishevelled Zak. The second he sees me, I swear his eyes light up a little, but I am not sure on how good of an actor he is to do that, so I have to write it off.. 

"You're here?" He asks, almost sounding relieved. 

"I am."

He nods before lifting his hand up again and presenting a bunch of flowers. "For you."

"You can't be serio-"

"They are beautiful." I say instantly, interrupting Avery. "Thank you.."

The bouquet is a variety of flowers and from the dirt around his nails and the mud on his knees, I can only hazard a guess that he has gone out and picked them. Which instantly makes them more precious as I take them off him. 

"You're welcome." He says brushing his hands on his pants in nerves. 

Before I speak, I look to Avery who sigh "Oh you kill joy. Always stealing my fun." She huffs.

"Go on." I tell her as she sulks off into the apartment, leaving me to step outside the door and close it behind me. 

The hallway seems a thousand times quieter than it usually is, and it wouldn't surprise me if both Mavis and Avery had their ears to the door right now, waiting on bated breaths on what was going to be said. 

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