Nowhere to turn.

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I admire Avery's strength as a mother as we both power through the night trying to find out all we could on ghosts. Of course there was endless websites with tips and tricks but where on Earth do you find a warlock?!

Did we even need a warlock because another page said we needed a witch?!

Sleep had got the better of me, once or twice but every time I woke, I would find Avery's eyes scanning over pages on the laptop, a note pad beside her full of notes and a pen between her lips for when she needed it. 

It was now Tuesday morning and I swear it felt like Sunday morning after a boozy night out on the Vegas strip.

"Auntie Riley!" Both girls cheered seeing me sat at the table for breakfast. They had both woke up again but after what I saw in their room, suggested they go and camp in their mommy's room. Which then led to me making a tipi from the lamp shade at 3.40am. The excitement must have worn them out as they both eventually slept through. 

"Hey girlies, come sit down." I grin trying my best to look happy when inside I want to curl up and cry. Tiredness and me don't mix. Never have and never will. 

Once again, I'm in awe of Avery as she turns into her cheerful self, despite having the world on her shoulders. "Good morning my angels!" 

I then watch as she makes them breakfast, chats and then helps them get ready for school, without a flicker of worry in her eyes. Once the girls are upstairs brushing their teeth, I see her sag against the kitchen table. 

"Hey," I say making her look up at me. "I'm gonna sort this."

She shakes her head "How? Unless you can get past the incredible sulk, I don't see how."

Avery had taken to calling Zak the incredible sulk, because we both had no idea why he flipped his shit that day, but right now, he is the last of my worries. The twins had my full attention. 

"I'll sort it." I promise her, knowing full well I might not be able to keep that promise, but I will do my upmost to. 

She sighs and collects the breakfast bowls the girls had used, seeing mine untouched. "You have to eat."

"Have you?" I ask her.

She turns with a bowl of muesli and sits at the table before eating it whilst listening to the girls feet upstairs.

Sinking back into my chair, I listen too not only their footsteps and occasional stomps, but at the giggling too. They are too young to be dealing with all this...

"I'm gonna go home, change and go to work." I tell Avery getting up from my seat.

"Isn't it Zak's house today?"

"Yeah and I am getting in that house. One way or the other." I tell her.


I think I am learning the language of grunts, as I pass the security guard who gives me one grunt in recognition. I in turn, grunt back from tiredness as he presses the button to allow me onto the community. 

My eyes don't venture to the big houses, lush lawns or fancy cars. No, my eyes are pinned on the road in front of me, determination spurring me on. I had chosen to wear my uniform, to go in and at least attempt to speak to Zak. I needed advice and the only person I knew who could give it, is him.

I get to his home and make sure I have the drawing in my pocket before I head up his drive, cleaning caddy banging against my leg from it's weight. The code to the gates are the same and I still have a key to his house, so taking a leap of faith, I unlock it and enter his home. 

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