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"You're hot." Zak says making me look over to him. It's on the tip of my tongue to say thank you, as it's not everyday a guy calls me hot. Okay it is very rare, so as I take a breath to answer, and I am a little mortified when he adds "You keep fanning your face."

Little does he know that my cheeks go red from the nearmiss of idiocy and I have to fan them a little more "I um... I have coulrophobia." I admit trying not to focus on the clown over his shoulder.


"But it's okay." I wave it off and continue down the corridor. "I have to conquer it some day right? I mean it's not like a clown is going to come to lif-"

"Riley wait!"

As I turn a corner, hell breaks loose, the world is turning inside out and my nightmares have come to life as a full sized clown grabs my arms and laughs manically.

What do I do?

I scream the whole museum down.
My arms are flailing, my legs feel like they have gone from beneath me and I'm sure my heart has stopped. Which is why when Zak tries to grab hold of me, I use all my force to push him into the clown and run.

Every woman for herself.... Right?

I don't get very far with running before he has my wrist and pulls me through another secret door away from the clowns. As soon as the door has shut, I push and shove him.

"Are you kidding me?! Are you trying to kill me?! I scream pushing him once more.

His hands try to stop mine and I eventually give up when my bag hits the floor and I stand there heaving for breath.

"I did try to warn you..." He says only making me shoot him a look.

"I knew there was a chance of tears!" I snap, swiping my bag off the floor and pulling it onto my shoulder.

The private tour of the museum had been amazing, right up until that one corridor. I had enjoyed being guided through by the creator himself, listening to him talk and explain parts of the room to me in detail. If I was honest, I had enjoyed him attention, despite how needy that made me sound.

"Are you okay?" He asks.

"No! Feel my heart!" I grab his hand and press it over my heart so he can feel the rapidly beating drum in my chest. His palm is cool against my skin, it's not until his thumb strokes over my clavicle that I realise how big his hands are and how I've inadvertantly put his hand on half my boob.

My eyes widen "Oh god. I'm sorry." I tell him, stepping away.

He clears his throat before replying "Are you okay now? Do you want to stop the tour?"

I want to carry on. I want an insight to his mind, to know about him. He is mysterious, he is showing his dark side through this museum, but I also know that he bought a hummingbird feeder for his garden and filled it with water. There is more to him than this and that. I hate to quote Shrek at a time like this, but he's an orge and orges are like onions. They have layers.

Orges have layers!

"No." I answer immediately. "No I want to carry on, but is that gonna happen again?"

He shakes his head "No, it wouldn't have happened the first time if I had known."

I nod my head in understanding before looking around the room. "Tell me all about this one."

With a smile, Zak steps away and holds his arms out wide "Welcome to the Ed Gein exhibit."


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