That way.

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When I wake the next morning, I find myself slumped over the kitchen table with the laptop in sleep mode opposite me. There's a few sheets of paper with doodles, notes and website addresses. My neck is sore, my back aches and all I want to do is drag myself to bed and forget about today.

But I should be so lucky...

After watching The Lion King with the twins last night, neither of them wanted to speak about Lizzy and when I tried to broach the subject in different ways, both of them clammed up and made it a game to avoid answering any questions about their imaginary friend.

I had come home last night and sat in the dark with only the screen of my laptop illuminating the kitchen, trying to find out as much information as I could about imaginary friends and the possibility of a set of twins sharing the same friend. From the first day, the twins have been a part of each other, one egg split, both sharing a womb, both growing together. To me, it is completely plausible for them both to share a friend, they share everything else! 

I hadn't found a solid bit of evidence that will support my theory.

Not only that, but to add to my worries, Rachel contacted Zak, who has categorically stated that he will not let another cleaner into his home and that if I refuse to return, then he will stop using our services.

His clever tactic means that the ball is in my park and it is now down to me to decide to go back to his house, or lose a client which pays well. 

If I refuse, I not only lose us a client, but I could potentially cut my wages in half as Zak has three days out of my five working days. Rachel wrapped up the call to me, with "I know you'll make the right choice.."

Nothing seemed easy. Not a damn thing. But right now, Zak and his drama was not important. Trying to convince my sister that she hasn't got a ghost living with her kids was.

I suggested that Avery contact the twins dad, but I received an answer that would make even the burliest of men blush. It seemed Dylan would not be getting in contact any time soon and for the sake of the girls, I feel a little sad about that.

So instead of trying to prove my theory on them sharing an imaginary friend, I decided to research as much as I could about imaginary friends, so that if anything, I could support them.
I'm just getting dressed after having a shower, when Rachel rings. I'm tempted to ignore the call, but considering my position, I pick up the phone.


"Riley, Hi. It's Rachel."


"I'm just ringing to find out what choice you've made regarding Mr Bagans house?"

I frown at the name before remembering that she is talking about Zak. "Oh. Um, well I haven't if I am honest with you. I don't like being spoken to the way he did, however I don't want to lose us a client..."

"So you're going back?" She asks sounding hopeful which only crushes me deeper at the thought.

"It seems so." I mutter glaring at my reflection in the mirror.

"Excellent. Well have a good day." She chimes before hanging up. 

I set my phone down before having a tantrum over it and throwing myself down on my bed.


"Did you know by the age of 7, at least 65% of children have an imaginary friend?" I ask Avery through the car Bluetooth.

"I didn't know that. No."

"Apparently it's a normal part of childhood development, it's the same as them playing with toys and making the sound effects and voices. It's all to do with their imagination."

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