What level?

941 45 4

There's a moment of silence between us, leaving my questioning hanging in the air and I'm almost about to kick my own backside for being so rude, when I hear a rattling.

Pausing mid iron stroke, I look to Zak who is looking at me, as if I am the one making the noise, when his eyes fall on the cleaning caddy set on the island between us.

Setting the iron down, I cross the kitchen and pluck it up to see yet another phone call from Joel coming in. Giving a small sigh, I cancel the call and set my phone back, however I'm not quick enough to lock it, as Zak says "A lot of missed calls."

I turn and give him a small smile "It's nobody." The answer causes his brow to lift slightly. "Well okay, it is somebody but they shouldn't be calling me."

"How come? They obviously want to speak to you."

"They know I'm working right now." I answer before turning on my heels and going back to the ironing. It's not the only reason why Joel shouldn't be calling, him being a cheating scumbag would be another reason. But to vent that opinion out loud would lead to more questions. Questions I don't want to answer..

I'm just folding the next shirt when the phone begins to vibrate again but before I can sort it, Zak plucks a cloth up from the caddy and cradles my phone inside it before putting it back, silencing the vibrations.

"Sorted." He says before pulling out his own phone and tapping away.

Once the pile is done and placed in his holdall, he takes it away and comes back with the clipboard. "I'll fill this out for you. Are we going with glowing reference or class suck up?"

"A bad feedback form means you get a different cleaner." I inform him, which makes his brows knit.

"Well what if I didn't want another cleaner?"

I shrug "I'm not sure. Rachel has never had to deal with that. It's usually a case of 'if you can't do the job, you'll be replaced'."

This answer only deepens his frown. "Doesn't sound very fair."

"She wants the best for her clients, I can see her motives. You wouldn't want an unhappy customer. Word spreads and online reviews are killers these days."

He nods "I know that."

"Just answer it honestly and put what you need to down. I'll understand."

Whilst I finish up the last of his laundry, he sits on the kitchen worktop, with a pen between his teeth as he reads each question and marks his answer. I'm almost done, when he throws out a question that surprises me.

"Who is Joel?"

My body freezes up, mostly from shock and how he knew about Joel. That is until I remember that he saw my missed calls...

"Someone who shouldn't be ringing." I answer sharply before biting my lip. I send him an apologetic look before shooting off into the utility room to fold the washing.


I'm not sure how long I am hiding out for, but when I return to the kitchen, Zak has left and the clipboard is left on the side, filled out with glowing feedback despite my little snappy moment. I want to sit down and read it all, but instead I clean up what is left in the kitchen and stuff the clipboard under my arm before leaving his home.

The vibrating caddy doesn't stop, even as I shove it into the passenger seat, the easiest answer would be to leave my phone at home. But with Avery having trouble with the twins, I vowed to keep my phone with me at all times, just in case something crops up. And it will... Eventually.

Putting the van into reverse, I leave his drive, past the valeter who is still cleaning the expensive vehicles, I myself, even pause to take in the attention to detail the man has placed into the cars to make sure they look perfect. They looked as though they had just been driven off the show room floor, not sat in a garage, awaiting to be drove. 

The guy pauses and puts his hand up to me, I return it and watch as he goes back to cleaning the wheels with three different types of cloth and a variety of bottles. Zak appears from the garage and glances my direction before folding his arms and turning his back to me. With no acknowledgement, I go on my way with the piece of mind that he is no different than any other client who ignores me.

I'd like to say it doesn't bother me that clients do that, in fact, sometimes I prefer it. But common curtisy is to acknowledge the person in your home, who keeps it clean and does all the jobs you hate. Even if you pay them. A simple hello goes a long way..

When I'm pulled up at a set of lights, I glance out the window and pause seeing Zak's face. Not on his body but on the top of a taxi cab advertising his haunted museum. Consumed in thought over his museum, I reach into the cleaning caddy and find my phone before scrolling down to Avery's number. Hitting call, I barely give her a second to answer before I'm hitting her with a question.

"How much can you find out about someone?"

"Good Afternoon to you too and it depends on what you want to know. Are we curious or are we level 10 Joe in You, ready to lock someone in a basement?" Avery asks.

"I'm curious about a man I work for... He has money a lot and I can't see how being an owner of a museum can get him everything he has.. He has one of those fancy smancy cars. The real expensive ones."

"A ferrari?" She guesses.

"No, it's like really low and really nice." I gush before shaking my head.


I frown "What do they look like?"

"Think Akon and the music video 'Smack That'..."

For most people, the answer would be insane, but I was obsessed with Eminem growing up and always listened to his music, which is why I am able to confirm that Zak's supercar is like the one on that music video.

"That's the one." I confirm.

"Lambo. All right. So what is Mr Moneybags name? Actually before I do this.. I ask for one thing in return.." She propositions.

"What is it?"

"That blind date.. With Mike. You do that and I'll do the search."

My sister is known for her investigation skills and if she hadn't been stupid in school, would have probably been in the police force and made top detective right now. She's like Inspector Clouseau or One of the Scooby gang. Me? I'm more of Scooby Doo..

She is also known to be a stubborn mule and knowns how to haggle.

"Do I have to?" I whine.

"Do you want to know about this guy or not?" She asks making me sit up a little straighter.

It was a question I should be asking myself, but I know for a fact, I can't help myself. There might be a small developing crush, school girl style but is that enough to make me endure a blind date, with a stranger?

"I'll do it." I mutter.

"Yay! Now tell me who he is."

"His name?" I ask stupidly.... See I wasn't joking about the Scooby Doo moments.

"Yeah, I need to know his name. First and last."

I glance over at the taxi, knowing full well that this is invasion of privacy, but call me intrigued. I want to know who this mysterous man is.

"Zak. Zak Bagans."

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