The waiting game.

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I watch Riley walk down the drive, her hair in a pony tail, swinging from side to side, giving me a glimpse of her neck every so often. Her hair smells like strawberry and mint, whilst her perfume is the sweetest smell I've come across but can't pinpoint as to what it is.

She is still smiling when she gets into her van and backs it off my drive before driving away and it's not until I close the front door, that I find myself smiling too. 

"So the cleaner huh?" Billy asks as soon as I enter the lounge. 

"I have no idea what you mean." I respond rounding the couch and taking a seat. 

"Sure you don't. She's not your usual type..."

"How do you mean?" I ask him looking up from the recorder I had swiped up off the table.

He stops what he is doing and glances over at me. "You need me to point it out?"

"Well you said it."

"Fine. What I mean is... She is different. In appearance and in her job. You normally go for a slim figured woman, with lavish jobs. Not a curvier woman who is a cleaner.. Your cleaner." He says.

I hear what he is saying and sit back to think it over. Of course every thing he has said is true, Riley is completely different and I think that is why I like her. Women conform to my level, they do some extreme things to get my attention, where as Riley couldn't give a damn and goes as far as calling me an asshole. 

Her tanned skin, dark hair and eyes hook me in, she is a natural woman who isn't afraid to get dirty when things get tough. Take today for example. Most women wouldn't have considered bathing Gracie for me, they would have said no and then complained about the wet dog smell. But Riley took over from the chaos she walked in on, told me to strip and bathed Gracie. 

I of course decided to push her a little further by stripping off before she could turn around and made a point of sauntering away. 

Unnerving her had became a game, watching her take a breath, her cheeks flush and teeth bite onto her lip was now one of my favourite things to do. As well as winding her up, to see the fire in her soul. 

My actions the other day at the museum were completely uncalled for, however it showed me that she wouldn't conform and is quiet happy to shout back at me and she really did remind me of a little angry penguin. 

But penguins are cute, right? Everyone has seen the film with dancing penguins. It's on every Christmas and one of the ones I watch around my mom's on Christmas Eve. 

"So?" Billy says "Do you like her?"

I wet my lips "Yeah, yeah I think I do. Like you said, she is different." 

He nods "So when are you gonna ask her out on a date bro?"

"I don't know." I answer wondering if inviting her over for a movie would constitute as a date.
We begin going through all the recorders, and footage we collected on our last lockdown when a question strikes me.

"How do you make someone a believer?" 

Billy stops his laptop "In the paranormal?"

"Yeah, you didn't believe. But now you do. What changed?" 

He laughs "The amount of evidence that came before me. There was no way I could discredit it all. On the spot EVPS are probably the best way to convince someone, spirit box too. But it all depends on the person."


"Well they are going to have to want to believe." He points out. "You can't make someone believe something if they are close minded about it. You're pretty much bashing your head against a rock otherwise."

"I never thought of it like that." I tell him, honestly.

"Yeah dude, they are going to have to be open minded for it to work."

As Billy goes back to his laptop, I am left wondering whether Riley would be open minded enough to be able to show her what I do. One of the first conversations we had, she called all paranormal investigators phony. A few shows are, but Ghost Adventures isn't and I would love to change her perception of us. 

It doesn't worry me that her sister did a check on me, in fact I'm kind of used to it. Women finding out things about me and sometimes trying to use it to their advantage. What I was surprised about, is that Riley hadn't changed. She knew about me but didn't come in trying to be a Teacher's pet. She didn't change her approach to her work, another positive mark for her.

Looking into the garden, I see Gracie sat on the pool edge, looking at the tennis ball slowly making it's way back to her. Another indication would be Gracie, if she didn't like her, than it would be a no go. Dog's are great at sensing characters and nobody can bath Gracie and still be friends. However Riley managed it, talking to her throughout and cleaning her collar. I watched how she took great care of her ears, face and chest before getting her to shake out the excess before getting out the bath. Minimalizing the clean up. 

"She is good with Gracie." I say out loud making Billy look over.

"That's good."

"It is. She has been looking after her whilst cleaning the house, I didn't realise she was letting her into the garden and cleaning up after her every day."

"Animal lover?"

"I think so." I answer before pulling out my phone. Realising I needed to ring Rachel, excusing myself, I go into the kitchen and take a seat at the breakfast bar. 

"Clean Approach, Rachel speaking." She chimes. 

"Rachel, it's Zak. Zak Bagans?"

"Oh yes.. Hello."

"Hi, I am just ringing to let you know Riley has been this morning." 

There is a pause before She answers "B-brilliant. That is good news..."

"Yeah, so I won't be needing anyone else coming over." I reply subtly declining her previous attempts at taking over Riley's role here.

I had met Rachel a few times and I can tell you now, she is a woman who likes to conform...

After exchanging a few pleasantries, we hang up and I do one last look for Riley on social media. I find her on a few but all her sites are private and I am unable to gain access unless I follow her. Which causes a barrage of fans and women hounding her to death about me. It's true... It happens.

I'm pleased that things are coming together, however there is just one problem that needs to be addressed. Finding out if she is with that guy who claims he is her boyfriend or if he is indeed an ex partner. 

If he is a stubborn ex who won't let go, then I need to find a way of making him let go. I have no doubt that he is kicking himself now, for losing someone like her. But his loss is going to be my gain. I just have to play my cards right.

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