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This is my bff since I've been small her names Ava Jones and she's 19 and lives down the street from me

This is my bff since I've been small her names Ava Jones and she's 19 and lives down the street from me

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girl you're back!!

yess come visit I'm on
E 23 Street

on my way

Me and Ava caught up on so many things I've missed in the past few years. We stayed in touch but she looks so much older now. She told me how she recently started dating a guy off the Lakers team. Brandon Ingram. Lonzo was on the lakers for a year now so he definitely is friends with him.


Me and Ava were just chilling at my apartment when I hear a knock at the door.

who the hell could this be

I open it to find my older sister, Alice. As soon as we saw each other she grabbed me for a tight hug. "I missed you bitch" she screamed. "Kel you look so good, yo ass got fat" she joked as we all sat on the couch.


come to our game tomorrow

and why would I do that? You
already gon loose

please cousin. I have free
ticket. I bet Ava's going

As soon as I asked her if she was going she said "yea of course"

fine but give me a jersey
to wear.

After Ava convinced me on going she followed up with this question "so you single? or did homeboys hit you up while you was out there?" I laughed. "Well I was a thing with Klay, but we aren't anymore cause I moved back here"

Her eyes opened wide "You was with Thompson??" I chuckled and covered my mouth. Alice already knew I was with him because she kinda found out.

I put my hands up in surrender "I'm single now though" I did a dance around my kitchen. "Well you best be, there's some good looking boys on the Lakers team just saying"


I'm on my way to Zo's house to get a #2 jersey from to wear to the game tomorrow night.

"Oh my god Kehlani so good to see you" Denise said to me at the door. "Did Zo invite you over?" She questioned me.

If I'm honest I really dislike Denise, and Zo needs to leave her. They're only together for their little baby Zoe.

"Yea he did invite me over where he at" I made my way into the house. "In here" he yelled from a room. I walked in to see him bent over in his closet looking through some box. I took his pants and pulled them up over his ass because, he clearly don't know how to wear them.

"Damn boy pull them pants up" I joked as he pulled out a fresh jersey for me. "You gon look fresh in this" he handed me a yellow and purple jersey. I held it over my top as I looked in his long body mirror.

"Hey you didn't tell me Ava been dating Brandon Ingram?"

"BI and Ava, oh yea they got some fire going on there."

"She said there were some hot guys on the Lakers"

"Oh yea she talkin bout me. I am the best lookin"

"See you at the game tomorrow" I snatched the tickets and left.

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