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Today is pretty chill, it's raining a lot which is weird for LA. I just got off the phone with my parents and decided to go get my nails done. I texted my other friend Makaila to come with me, haven't scene her in a long time also. This is Makaila

hey girly , you wanna come get your nails done with me?I'm back in LA

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hey girly , you wanna come
get your nails done with me?
I'm back in LA

for sure at the same place
we always used to go?

yea, an hour work for you?

see you then

I got a pretty relaxed outfit on and headed to the salon.


It's now 5:00pm and the game starts in two hours. I put on a lakers jersey, black ripped jeans and a pair of adidas shoes with waved hair. I did a bit more makeup tonight since it's my first real time out in LA again.

 I did a bit more makeup tonight since it's my first real time out in LA again

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I meet Ava court-side as we gossip about everybody on the team. The announcer starts saying everyone's name one by one as they run out of the tunnel. "Brandonnnn Ingram" , Ava's cheering and she blows a kiss to him.

"Sheesh girl, nice job" I nudged her as I look at Brandon. I've scene him before in a few pictures but he was tall as hell in person.

Then they called out Lonzo and the rest of the team.


     It was half-time and I went looking for a washroom by the players locker room. I'm kinda lost but I see a sign up ahead. The door handle is currently pressed down when I try and open it. Out comes this super tall guy with a lakers jersey on, number 0. "Oh shit I'm sorry" he chuckled as we basically collided.

"My bad" I giggled and went into the bathroom.


       There was a few seconds left in the game against Milwaukee Bucks and the score was 90-82 for Lakers. Zo made a far throw pass to Brandon, Brandon passed it to Number Zero and then he slammed in on the net. The whole arena went wild and the announcer yelled "KUZZZZ" as the bell went off. "And that's your game folks 92-80".

      Me and Ava waited around for the boys to finish the game and congratulate them. Ava took Brandon over to the side and Zo and number zero were together along with Josh Hart. "Denise and Zoe didn't show up tonight?" I question. "Nah" he tried to dust it off like it was nothing but he wanted them there.

     "Well, good game guys" I said looking at each one of them smiling. "Oh yea boys, his is my cousin that I talk about, Kehlani" he introduced me to a few players. They each said their hellos to me and asked me a few things about myself except 0. "Hey didn't we like bump into each other earlier?" He looked around the empty arena at everything but me "oh yea, haha we did, I'm Kyle" he put his hand out to shake mine.

"So you must be Brandon" I looked up at his long lanky figure. I hear a lot of people call him Slender-man, and now I can see why. "What it do Kehlani" he said back with his arms around Ava. 


       We all walked out to the players parking and Zo talked about how I just moved back to here from modelling. Lonzo got everyone's attention to tell them something 'big' and I honestly don't know what he's about to say. "So... Kehlani. I'm throwing you a party for coming home. Everyone here's invited I'll text the group chat" he said walking away from everyone.

"So your having a party for me? sweet" I got in the car with him. "Yes cousin I'm feeling very generous" he drove me back to my place. We sat quietly as we were close to my place and I just had to ask this question "Why did that Kyle guy look so nervous?" I chuckled.

  He laughed back at me

"Kuzma? he probably think your cute or sum. That nigga ain't getting close to you though. I know what he be like sometimes."

"What does that mean?"

"Nothing, but if Kyle tries something with you he ain't gettin very far. I won't allow it"

"Okay dad.. I didn't even say anything about dating him. Just wondering why he looks so awkward"

"Well... kehlani. That usually means someone likes you and they're awkward"

"Bye Zo, text me about this party. See you cuz" I went up to my apartment and got ready for bed.

Kuz .. Kyle

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