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A/N: not sure if Wattpad is messed up at the moment or whatever but my views on this book are all over the place. This morning they were at 360 and now they're at 442. I would notice if I was getting many more views on each chapter but that's not the case🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️ Also, leave a like or comment if your liking the story p.l.e.a.s.e!!!! I don't wanna be one of those annoying people begging for likes but it takes time to write these chapters so I wanna get some feedback on them!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyways continue to the story :-)


I pull into the Ball family house and see my family and a bunch of friends beginning to pack in. I see Tina and Lavar together in the kitchen as they're ordering food.

"Hello niece" Lavar says and hugs me, Tina just  smiles cause she has a cane helping her walk.

I make my way to the birthday boy aka Melo and see all the boys around him.

"Hey birthday boy" I say hugging him. I talk to Melo a bit before going towards Zo, Gelo, and Kyle.

"Sup cuz" i dap up Zo while laughing at the fact he has Zoe in one arm.

"Y'all know how hard it is tryna set up party decorations with a kid in one arm?" Zo jokes

"Hey baby" I say to Kyle pulling his face down for a kiss.

Gelo gives me the 'surprised' face, Melo gives me the 'wtf' face, and Zo gives me the 'woah' face. Kyle's gives Zo the 'I'm gonna slap you' face.

"So y'alls is like f'real now?" Melo says pretending to fall backwards from what he just saw.

I put my hand on Kyle's chest and he puts his arm around my waist.

"Nigga all I'm sayin is you better not end up like this in the next few months. Or your ass gon get capped by me." Zo says pointing to Zoe.

"End up like what" I hear my dads voice from behind us. Kyle moves his arm off me and we all turn to face him.

"Hello princess" he says to me.

"Andre nice to see you again" Kyle reaches out to shake his hand.

"Kyle Kuzma, you've been the one seeing my daughter for the past few months and we haven't even played a game against each other since" he goes on.

Kyle and my dad talk about basketball while I go get changed into a bikini for the pool.

Kyle and my dad talk about basketball while I go get changed into a bikini for the pool

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"Orange highlighter" I hear a voice enter the quiet room as I jump, it's Kyle.

"Did I scare you" he walks over and puts his arms around my waist as I'm looking at myself in the body mirror.

"Best looking orange highlighter out there" I snicker.

He looks me up and down in the mirror, steps back and looks at my behind.

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