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It's been two weeks since me and Kyle both got texts' from Brandon saying that the baby should soon be here. I couldn't wait for Ava to be the best mom, and me be the best auntie out there.

Kyle has been telling me lots from practices about how he's getting less sleep and stories of the baby screaming. That's going to be us soon.


Tonight is AB's birthday and you already know we turning tf up.

It's gonna be nice to party for a night, even though I'll be sipping on some cold bubbly water. Kyles already pointed out the small bump in my belly, it's barely there.

Me and Kyle are on the way to the party, he's driving in the Benz. Brandon and Ava are on their way. LeBron, Alex and the whole gang. Also I'm going to see Zo there so I'm going to tell him the whole pregnancy thing.

We've been partying for an hour now, Kyle is with the group of men, all smoking cigars. Ava and I are standing back judging how they like the taste of them, as we both sip on our fizzy lemonade. She's checking her phone every few minutes to keep updates on baby Jase.

"Well think of it this way, when my baby is born, they will both grow up together and play and be the cutest little NBA babies" I say looking at the wild party lights

"We in this for the long haul, all I'm sayin tho if I gotta haul these motherf*ers around anymore, imma chop em off" she places a hand on her boob.

"Girl let's go dance like, why are we sitting here. The night is still young" i add, it's only 11:30pm

Ava takes my hand and we both head to the dance floor with party music blasting.

Zo comes up behind me and scares the shit out of me, then pulls my hand over to the side of the room.

"What's up cuz, you ain't come talk to me first?" he yells over the music

"Lonz' I just seen you know how have you been" we hug

"Now I'on know what shit yall been up to but, I damn well know I see a tiny belly starting" he smiles

"So you found out, I'm 3 1/2 weeks now, Zo I'm so excited like i don't even know how to explain" I go on

"I'm happy for you cuz for real" we hug again and then he goes off

The drunk men of the hour come stumbling over to me..... Kuzma, Zo, Brandon.

"yous look so crazy right now" Ava stairs down BI.

from my two-senses, there all pretty drunk.

"I'm going to the bathroom I'll be back" I add

I'm half way down the hall to the bathroom when I see Kyle following behind me in silence.

"B, you remember last time you followed me down a hallway? It was at my coming home party"

Sorry for the short update. So much shit has been going on recently, with COVID19 and everything. I also have writers block. How's everyone doing? Is your city on lockdown ? 💕 stay safe everyone

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