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Last night Kehlani kept asking me what Ava wanted and I'm not telling her. I'm on the way to my managers house to talk to him. Ava told me the exact date of Kel's birthday, October 15th. I already did my research and know when it is so I'm planning something special.

"Sup bro" I dap up my management team

"working on your text you sent me, I have almost everything set up, just need some flight things" he replies

I'm booking me and her a trip to Jamaica resort for her birthday.

"We'll be getting a private jet there and back" I add

"Sounds good bro, just you and her?"

I grin on my way out , "send me the details"

I'm going to pick up Chinese food and tampons cause apparently there's none left at my house. Not for me though, haha.

I'm in a little convince store and I'm looking getting chocolate, a smoothie and some feminine products.

The cashier looks at me at tries not to crack a smile

"I know who you are" she quickly says

"do you? want a pic" I laugh

she pulls out her phone for a selfie and has a huge smile on her face

"$11.50, you can have it for free if you want. Not many famous people come in here"

I handed her a 20 and told her to keep the change, sometimes I forget how much I have an impact on people.


"Daddy's home" I yell as I open the door to the house, Kehlani's got the music blasting and she's got boxes everywhere's.

I see a hand with a pillow fly at my face while she's hiding behind the couch. She finna get it.

I walk over to the her curled up trying to not get spotted, grabbed her by the legs and brang her to the bed. She screams like usual, but soon she can be as loud as she wants in our new house.

"and kuz comes in for the slammmmm on the bed" I yell and start kissing her neck.

"I got you stuff at the store like you asked" I said on the top of the bed scrolling through ig

"Where were you this morning, I woke up and no one was next to me" she said tracing my tattoos

"it's a surprise I guess" I shrug my shoulders

"Kyle tell me" she whines

"I will tonight in our new house that I'm gonna make memories with you in, the two of us. Nothing could ever make me think differently about you. Baby you make me feel some type of way I never felt before. I wanna lay you down and give you the world"

She's looking at me with watery eyes, probably the emotions and stuff but I love this girl.

"Stop making me get all emotional, I love you" she wiped a tear from her eyes.

"Now let's get our stuff ready and go to our place"

Those words hit me, it's our first place together


liked by: kuz, zo, aliceball, melo, and 20,472 more

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liked by: kuz, zo, aliceball, melo,
and 20,472 more

kehlaniball: new place✨ y'all want a house tour?

zo: get some clothes on, them counters be dusty
kehlaniball: @zo don't u still wanna live here bruh?
kuz: cant wait to start memories here with you❤️
avajones: so happy for you 🥰🥰
user21: so kuz really put that pussy on a pedestal
user6: Kyle went all on on this bitch and bought her a house too huh!??!?
user9: he ain't fuckin around no more, this relationship serious


Me and Kyle had a crazy day unpacking everything into our new house and are so tired. I can't believe we finally have our own place together. I just got off FaceTime with my dad showing him. Kyles gone to practice as I'm in the shower right now.

"Say you doin better I heard you, now you run your mouth and say I ain't deservin... pretty bitch yea it's usual .... say no hard feelings but it's mutual"
I'm releasing my new song soon and I love it.

"kehlani" I hear out of the blue in my ear, my eyes were closed so I screamed and immediately opened them.

"FUCK Kyle Jesus where did you come from" I say covering my body with the shower curtain.

"I'm done from practice early" he raised his eyebrows in surprise that I reacted so crazy

"don't scare me like that next time, the house is to quiet to be sneaking up on me... got me thinkin there's a robber or some shit" I roll my eyes

He sits on top of the sink counter with just basketball shorts and those PSD underwear that he has a sponsorship with.

"need some help showering? you lookin at me and waisting all that water" he said which made me realizing that I am just looking at him.

I turned the shower off and grabbed a towel, making sure I was covered so he didn't see me.

"Whachu hiding baby? I already seen every inch of you" his eyes looked up from his screen

"nothing just" I shrug my shoulders and smile

"come here" he opens his legs up

I stand in between his legs and get lost in his dark chocolate eyes. He starts kissing my lips and making his way down my neck.


leaving kisses down to the top of my towel.

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