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Was gonna wait to post this but I am because it's KYLES BIRTHDAY🎉🎉 He's 24 today. Happy birthday Kuz❤️ Also thanks for 1k views


I'm at Kyle's making sure he has everything before he goes on a full days flight to Oklahoma to play OKC thunder in two days.

He's grabbing his suit case as he makes his way towards the front door that I'm leaning against watching him.

"You better get some wins for me, I'll be watching you know" I say looking into his eyes

"I'll try my best, with all this extra pressure on me now"

He picks me up and brings me on top of the kitchen counter, pulling me in for a hug.

"I'll be thinking about our little.... time we had the other night while I'm away" he kisses my forehead

"You need to get going, text me as soon as you land over safe. I love you"

There it was, I Love You. It flew out of my mouth as if it was an everyday thing.

"I love you too" he kissed me and made his way outside to the van with Zo inside it.


I called Ava while I was getting ready to go no where's and told her to meet me at 5 guys for food.

hey wanna meet up
and talk ?

yes I really need to talk to


Me and Ava get our food and sit at a table. I posted a picture of her on my Instagram story and captioned it ' @avajones forever my bff'

 I posted a picture of her on my Instagram story and captioned it ' @avajones forever my bff'

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"So hows everything going with you and Brandon? How'd he take the news?"

"Well he was surprised but I don't think either of us are genuinely ready for this. We will make it work though"

"You know I'll always be here for you and I think you'll make a great mother"

"I think I will too I just don't know what to do because no one around us has kids"

"Me and Kyle were talking about it but we both want to wait till we're ready"

"That's what me and Brandon said but... and I talked to my manager he's gonna let me do maternity modelling when I hit that stage"

"Well you'll be the hottest pregnant women I've ever known" I laughed and we continued eating.

"Oh my god is that kehlani ball?" I hear someone say to another person

"Kyle kuzmas girl" I hear another girl say

They wanted pictures with me and kept telling me how Melos hot.

I'm laying on my bed scrolling through Instagram, I need to start packing boxes and getting ready to move out.

a radio station wants
to do an inteweview with
you over the song tomorrow
are you down ?

that's great. i will after
my photo shoot tomorrow

I've been getting so much love from my song, Instagram verified me. Kyle posted something on his Instagram story, I miss him already and it's only been a few hours.

 Kyle posted something on his Instagram story, I miss him already and it's only been a few hours

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I've been in Oklahoma with the boys, we're getting ready to play them tomorrow night. I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss Kehlani and Milo.

Zo wants me to go out to the club with the boys but I don't wanna give Kel any wrong ideas so I'm gonna stay at the hotel.

"Comin dawg?" Zo says from the bathroom

"Naw I'm gonna stay here for tonight, I'm mad tired.Plus I wanna be sharp for tomorrow's game"

"Bro don't even try to lie goofy, you don't want my baby cousin thinkin yous up to somethin" he mocks me

"Well yea that too" I scratch the top of my head

"Man... Brandon and now you too. I'm finna meet up with Jhart and his women then bye" he leaves my room.

I call Kehlani's phone to see how her day went

Kyle/ hey baby what's goin on
Kel/ just hangout with Ava today and took business calls
Kyle/ I worked out and had practice the whole day I'm so tired.
Kel/ Focus on your best game tomorrow, i want a win.
Kyle/ we've been doing really good at practice bonding more as a team
Kel/ I have a shoot tomorrow morning and then an interview with a radio station
Kyle/ thinking of you makes my friend excited
Kel/ what friend?
Kyle/ the one in my hand
Kel/ *laughs* well then, where's everyone else at
Kyle/ their all gone out to a club. I'm staying here to get some sleep. Send me your shoot pics tomorrow
Kel/ night I love you
Kyle/ love you too

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