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do y'all like Kyles new hair? I personally don't like it that much, I liked it better black but I still love him no matter what he does with it. Also I wish he pulled his shorts down a little bit more in that ^ picture because 👀👅🤭 you already know what I mean. Love everyone that's been reading this sorry for the slow updates♥️

NOVEMBER 21/2018


"there's no way you finna beat me just watch this" I say out of breath dribbling the ball.

Lonzo moves backwards at my every step, trying to steal the ball away from me.

"you got...." I scream stepping up for the dunk. Zo try's to block it but does so unsuccessfully

"DUNKED ONNN" I scream flexing my arms to the empty court

"Bro I gotta say it's a nice court you got built in here, shit I wish" Zo mutters

"It came with the house when we bought it, pretty sick" i shrug my shoulders

"Another round?" Zo questions me as sweat is pooling off our heads.

"Listen bro, I ain't got no energy left. The Kuztrain has left the station" I say out of breath

We both leave the court and go to my kitchen where I see my beautiful girl.

"Hey Zo" Kehlani hugs her cousin, coming back from a yoga class

"How was your class?" Zo asks her

"good, gotta be looking good for the photo shoot I have tomorrow it's a big one"

"Hey why don't we all go out for dinner, sushi or something? I'm starving" I add in

They both agree and Zo gets his things packed together


"Hey Ava bring Brandon, we're going out for sushi soon. Come with us" I say to my bff over the phone

"definitely babe, see you there" she replies

liked by: prettylittlething , mikailaclark, aliceballxox & 9,209 morekehlaniball: i love sushi🥰meloball: who approved that outfit 💀Kuz: @meloball I did user1: how can you look so good karrikuzma: stunning lady 😍

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liked by: prettylittlething , mikailaclark, aliceballxox & 9,209 more
kehlaniball: i love sushi🥰
meloball: who approved that outfit 💀
Kuz: @meloball I did
user1: how can you look so good
karrikuzma: stunning lady 😍

Me, Kyle, Zo, Zoe, Ava, and BI are all out for sushi catching up on some things we've missed. It's been a while since we've all gotten together.

"Yea she finna pop any second" Brandon says looking down at his soon to be baby.

"And I look damn well fine while doing it" she laughs and we all laugh back

there's never a dull moment with us

"Atleast Zoe goin have another kid to play with soon, that's gonna be a baller just like her, right Zoe" Zo adds in while spoon feeding her some rice.

We all finish up our food and the waiter wants to know if we want drinks. All the boys love red wine.

"A bottle between the three of us please, yea" Kyle says scanning the wine options

"Anything else?" The waiter says looking at me

"No, thanks" I say back smiling

"Well if you'll excuse us girlies we're going to the ladies room" Ava says to the guys

I size myself up in the bathroom mirror while Ava's in the stall. My hands are leaned against the counter while I wait for her.

"What's up b?" She says coming out

"I need to tell you something okay, you can't tell anyone else right now" I say looking her in the eyes

My stomachs turning right now

"go ahead girl I'm listening" she says worried

"so the last time me and Kyle fucked was on our trip a month ago and well I haven't had a period since before then so.." I paused letting her understand what I'm trying to say

Her eyes widen and she grabs my shoulders

"I took a few pregnancy tests after yoga class and well" I say with a small smile on my face, I look down at the floor


"Shhh" I laugh

"Yes I am pregnant" I admit

"Kehlani this is huge when are you going to tell Kyle?"

"Either tonight or after their trip, not sure yet" I shrug and we walk out to dinner. Ava promises to keep her lips shut.


Me and Kyle make our way home after dinner and I have such weird feelings knowing I'm hiding something from him.

I finish up in the bathroom and run towards the bed to cuddle next to him on his phone.

He puts his arm under my head and plays with my hair while we watch the last of the Warriors vs Pelicans game.

"I better get some sleep now I guess, big day tomorrow" I say

"Yea me too, we have to be on the plane for 10am tomorrow" he sighs

"At least you'll be coming back home right after" I smile giving him a kiss goodnight.

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