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I woke up next to Kyle and my phone buzzing. It was a text from Zo saying to come to the studio. Today's Kyle's last day before he goes away and I'm gonna miss him.

When I go to get up I almost fall over from last nights, "session". I went to the bathroom to get ready with the stuff I had brought over from my apartment. We're looking for a new house together soon.

After I'm finished doing my makeup and hair, I go to my drawer in Kyle's room to get dressed.

"Damn that's all mine" I hear him say in a sleepy voice.

"Morning" I wobble over to kiss him on the cheek.

He gets ready in the bathroom and I make myself
something to eat, took me a good 20 minutes cause I have no clue where the stuff is in his house. Then I let Milo outside to use the bathroom.

"Where are you going?" he wanders into the kitchen

"To the studio to meet Zo about finalizing our single"

"Well your gonna need a ride there, plus I want McDonald's breakfast" he said holding up the keys to his Porsche.


"What's good bro" Zo says dapping up Kyle as we walk into the studio.

"Finna get these dubs you feel me " Kyle replies

We do a little finalizing on the song until everything sounds perfect.

"This shits fire" Kyle says

"Well I mean I was tryna tell y'all Kehlani could sing but she dinn want the attention. Ion know" Lonzo said shaking his head.

"So this is going on everything. Like Apple Music, Spotify?" I added

The producers nodded, "in about 2 hours it should be out incase you want to announce it on any social medias".


Me and Kyle are at dinner while my song releases in a few minutes and my stomachs turning.

"Why you spoonin at yo food like that?" Kyle says starring at me.

"Just nervous"

"Nervous bout what?"

"Just the song, if it'll be a hit or not. I've never let the world hear my voice before."

"Kel, your voice is nothing short of amazing and it sounds great. Everyone will love it" he says pulling out his phone.

I smile with some sushi in my hand. He smiles down at the picture and then turns his phone off

The waiter comes up and asks for the bill and I insist on getting it.

"It'll be on me please" , Kyle gives me a weird stare as he already had his card out to pay.


I'm refreshing my phone on Kyle's bed as he packs for his trip away. Thousands of people are downloading and commenting on my Instagram post of the song.

I connected to the Bluetooth speaker and played it out loud. Me and Kyle both jammed out and I rapped every part of it.

When he's done packing I scroll through Instagram again to see a picture he posted of me, it's the first picture he posted since we've been together.

We both agreed to not go super public and post a lot with each other. The paparazzi and tabloids would be all over it.


liked by: denisegarcia, zo, klaythompson, kehlaniball and 567,362 more

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liked by: denisegarcia, zo, klaythompson, kehlaniball and 567,362 more

kylekuzma: my girl forever

view all 10,628 comments

kehlaniball: love you boo
melo: okay kuz... I guess it's okay 😒
1ngram4: don't be gettin all soft on a nigga
user1: slut look at her shirt. No shirt no service bitch
user2: @user1 get a life bro
user3: since when was this a thing? I ship him and Katya.
dloadinggg: you one lucky nigga 🤤
kylekuzma: @dloadinggg fuck outta here 🤦🏽‍♂️


My eyes grow wide as I'm reading all the mixed comments under Kyle's picture. I knew there'd be hate dating a celebrity. I can't believe D'Angelo Russell commented on it that I'm good looking. Just wait till Zo and Kyle play him next...

"Katya Henry?" I ask Kyle sitting next to me

"Me and her used to be a thing a year ago. She's a whore anyways. Don't worry about her"

I type in her name and I click on her Instagram profile. My initial reaction was to hope Kyle wasn't with me just for the same thing but I know she's a thot. Just before I've had enough with Instagram for the night, I get a DM from Klay.

[kehlaniball]: klaythompson mentioned you in their story.

I click on the notification and see that Klay posted my song to his story and privately messaged me.

your song is great, you
never sang to me when we
were together!!??

hey thanks, guess I
wanted to keep my
talent hidden lol

meet up when I come
down to LA for a bit in
a few days

just text me

Kyle looks up at me from the pillow and pulls me down towards him.

"Who you texting?" he says peering over my phone screen.

"Klay Thompson? You talk to him" his tone changed

"Yea were friends"

"Just friends"

My eyebrows come together and I look at him with a weird face.

"What do you mean just friends, I'm with you dummy"

"Yea I know that but did you ever be more then friends with him?"

"Yes Kyle we were a thing on the down-low when I lived in SanFrancisco"

"As long as I don't have to kick some niggas ass" he mumbles.

I take my hand and hold his face looking into his dark brown eyes and kiss his lips.

He grabbed the side of my face and his tongue ventured it's way into my mouth.

I picked him a few more kisses pausing to look at him before each one.

I love him so much

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