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Today me and Kehlani are looking at some houses for sale up on Hollywood Hills. We have a few houses lined up to see, and I'm excited to get lookin.


"Which on you like baby?" I say to Kel as we're eating lunch.

She wipes her mouth, chews on huge mouthfuls of her burrito and puts two fingers in the air.

"The second one was the best. It's a great size and has everything we're looking for" she says

I agree with her opinion, the second house is the best. Now to work out numbers and paper work...

"It also has a fourth bedroom incase yannnooo..." I play with the napkin on the table, I don't dare make eye contact with her.

I feel her eyes glancing back and forth at me because she wants me to fully say I mean. I won't do that to her, I like to let her imagine it.



We've finally chosen our house and worked out paper work this whole day, it's flown by so fast. My mother's coming to visit tomorrow, we need to start moving into the house and on top of it all Kyle has a game in two days.

My birthdays in exactly 2 weeks from today and I haven't told Kyle yet, but we need to get planning on it. I wake up in Kyles bed alone, there's no warm body next to me.

It's 10:00am ... He's at practice...

I get ready for the day and put on my makeup. My mom doesn't get in till later tonight so I have the whole day to do house things.

I'm planning on visiting Kuz at the end of practice, to see how the whole teams doing. For right now I'm getting a moving van to take all my stuff to the new house.

 For right now I'm getting a moving van to take all my stuff to the new house

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Snapchat:yes I did take this with self timer🤣 lazy fit


"You sure you want me to wait here baby?" Kyle says to me as I'm leaving to get my mom from the air port.

"Yes, I'll be okay going there. I'm only famous that's all" I giggle.

His arms are wrapped around me and his lips are on my forehead "famous with a fat ass"

"Make sure everything's tidy when she gets here and order food."

He does the army salute and I leave to go get my mom


"Mommy" I yell as she walks through the doors, I'm wearing baggy dark clothes over my outfit with sunglasses so no body recognizes me.

"Kehlani" she whispers, we both silently go back to the car.

"Hey I'm missed you" I hug her and we talk all the way back to Kyles house.

There's so much things I don't tell my mom like everyone else does. Usually mothers are there when you need advice and comforting but mine is never.

Growing up my mothers been traveling a lot, working with big companies. Her and Lavar rarely talk, and neither do her and my sister.


As were approaching Kyles door, I only hope she doesn't have some wacky comment to make about him. 'Oh look Kehlani your into basketball guys just like I was with your dad'.... or some shit.

"We're back" I say in an upbeat voice as Kyles gone chef boyardee up in this bitch. He stops what he's doing as my mom eyes him up and down with a big teethy smile.

"You must be Kyle" she says hugging him

"Nice to meet you" his hands are cupping my moms

"I was just making some cheesy Tuscan chicken if you want to show your mother to the spare bedroom"

"Don't be crazy, call me Jennifer"

I open up the spare bedroom and Milo wakes up from his nap on the rug by the bed.

"you never told me he had a dog Kel" she giggled

"I need to ask... why are you coming all the way here to visit. There must be something ma, you never just come"

She didn't look at me whilst unpacking her backs "well talk about this tomorrow okay? I don't want to ruin a good time"

And for the rest of the night, my mind was wondering why and what my mom was doing here. Kyle seemed to get along good with her but she was up to something and I need to figure out what it is.

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