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After I get back to my place I felt good after talking with Kyle and it's crazy how he lives a few streets over. He's also really cute but Im not gonna get into that. Doesn't help that he now knows where I live. I was so tired when I got home, I passed out after I took a shower.


My eyes blink open to see the time is 8:50pm. Wow I slept like 4 hours and now imma be up all night. I totally forgot to call my dad back but it's fine. I pick up my phone and dial 'Pops'

Pops/ Jesus bout time you answered the damn thing
Kehlani/ sorry lol, long story
Pops/ how are you doing settling in.
Kehlani/ feels like I never left, a few new neighbours
Pops/ just calling to check up on you. Alice told me she stopped by the other day to see you
Kehlani/ yea her and Ava
Pops/ okay we'll make sure you see your mom when she's not busy. I know she missed you
Kehlani/ yea whenever she gets 5 seconds away from her job
Pops/ you better not of forgotten we play there next weekend. I have front row tickets for you. I'm finna woop your cousins ass

A/N: (my story is not going to be perfectly identical to what's happening in the NBA and families. Also some ages will not be the same as real life. Anyways keep reading and thanks for the views!)

So your probably wondering who my dad is. Well, I'll tell you about my parents. My fathers name is Andre Iguodala and my mother's name is Jennifer Ball. My father is golden states oldest player in the game. My mother is Lavar's sister and that's how I'm related to the Ball family. My parents don't spend a lot of time together because of there jobs. My mom is a business manager so she's usually occupied with work and my dad is always in SanFrancisco.

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I went to model in San Fran for a few years to be closer to my dad considering he doesn't spend much time around us.  How my dad didn't find out that me and Klay were a thing is beyond me. I'm guessing he didn't want to get treated differently on the team since my dad is looked at as the 'veteran'.

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