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Me and Kyle have been dating for four months now. Trust me when I say these past months have been hectic. Me and Kyle have been seeing one another whenever we get free time in our busy schedules, Zo and Denise are officially split up, Melos got a girlfriend, and i think Ava is pregnant.

"Well what do I tell him" Ava's voice is hit pitched as she's pacing back and forth my apartment. "Tell him what it says" I look down at the stick that says 'pregnant'. My minds been running every sort of direction because people love to come to me for advice. After a long talk with Ava she finally calmed down and is going to tell Brandon she's pregnant.


I'm finished practice, think
you'd be down for Chinese?

hard to say no to that one
come over now

care if I stay the night?

nah babe

I text him as I'm lazing around on the couch watching good girls on Netflix.


I hear knocking at the door and yell "come in". It's pointless to walk to the door when I can see it from the couch. "Someone better be hungry" he says holding up 2 full bags of food. He unpacks everything and we eat at on the kitchen counter. We talked a little about our days and what crazy thing happened through out the day.

"You won't believe what Ava told me today" I said with forking at my food.


"She's" I rubbed my stomach for him to get the hint

He almost choked on his food as his eyebrows shot up "no... no way my mans is a baby daddy"

"Yep and she's already two weeks in, she just found out today though"

"Well I mean I want that to be us one day.. when we're ready"

I looked at him straight in the eyes as no words left my mouth, he wants kids... with me. I smiled back and said "me too, when we're ready" as I grabbed his hand.

"Speaking of being ready... I'm ready to be with you, a hell of a lot more then I am now. Move in with me"

I almost spit out my food "you bein serious fool?" I said laughing. He nodded his head.

"Do you even have enough room for me at your place?"

"I'm looking into getting something bigger up in the hills. I'll call it K&K's mansion"

That made me laugh, "well I would love to move in with you. Plus more time to spend with you"


Me and Kyle are watching the Celtics game together at my place while we munches on pop corn in my ear.

"Damn Kyle make it any more annoying" I hit him with a pillow. He laughed and caught the pillow before it had a chance to hit his face.

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