A Valiant Effort

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The rest of the quirk apprehension tests were fairly easy for Izuku. The ball throw may have been the only one he could actually use his quirk on, but his physical strength was enough to almost equal a strength quirk. Overall, he placed fifth. A transparent girl named Hagakure came in last, but Aizawa didn't expel her since she still had plenty of potential that simply didn't help her with this sort of thing.

Our resident broccoli boi was back in his school uniform, walking to the cafeteria with Katsuki on his tail.

"Yo Izu, didn't you pack a lunch?" The blonde pomeranian abandoned his perpetually angry demeanor now that he and his brother were alone.

"Yes, but I know for a fact that you left yours in the kitchen. Actually, I knew you would leave it in the kitchen three weeks ago when I bought my new backpack, so the first thing I put in it was a stash of lunch money. You're welcome." Katsuki sweatdropped at Izuku's deadpan statement.

"As much as I detest the need to admit defeat in such a shameful manner as to lose a battle I hath not known I was fighting, you are correct." The corners of a mischievous grin touched Izuku's freckled cheeks, his white teeth shining from behind the dark curls surrounding his face. I like this game.

"There is no need to feel ashamed, dear brother, for I must confess that I abducted said currency from within your wallet." Katsuki placed his hand onto his chest in mock offense, granting his brother an exaggerated gasp.

The ash-blonde then opened his mouth to speak, but was interrupted by an enthusiastic shout from behind them.

"Izu-chan! Come eat lunch with me and Iida!" Katsuki and Izuku turned around, recognising the voice as that of Ochaco/Round-Face. (Yo, I just realised I've been selling Ochaco's surname wrong. I hate myself so much but I'm too lazy to go back and edit so if it bothers you take your OCD somewhere else lol )

"Scram, nerds. He's eating with me." .....Is what Katsuki was going to say when Izuku clamped his hand over his mouth and replied to the brunette with "Sure! Is it okay if Kacchan comes too, Uraraka-san?"

"Of course!" She continued their shirty nerd conversation. "Let's grab some grub from the cafeteria, and then we can eat on the roof. Come on, Iida!" She ran to catch up with the two brothers-that-everybody-thinks-are-just-really-good-friends, her chestnut-colored hair bouncing with each stride. Katsuki silently raged as he watched Izuku chat with Pink-Cheeks and Four-Eyes, talking about random shitnerd stuff.

"Excuse me, but I just happened to notice you and Bakugou associate with eachother quite often, and act as though you've known one another for a while. May I ask why that is?" Tenya inquired politely. Before Izuku could reply, Katsuki harvested his opportunity to exact vengeance for the interruption of his unsaid statement a few moments ago.

"We've been joined at the hip since we were in kindergarten, now get your inhumanly rectangular nose out of other people's shit." The profanity and rudeness earned him a fed-up smack on the head and a whispered-growled-hissed "CURSE JAR." from Izuku, which actually hurt quite a bit and aroused a snappy "Fuck your chicken strips" from his lips but was totally worth it in his personal opinion.

Ochaco let out a light-hearted giggle. "You sure rage a lot for a hero in training, Bakugou. What's your motivation?"

Before Katsuki could release more unwanted obscenity upon the world, Izuku held his head down much like Mitsuki does in the anime when the teachers come to ask for permission to have Katsuki live in a dormitory on school grounds. (oh wait that's breaking the fourth wall cuz I didn't put it in an author's note, fuck-)

Death Penalty | BNHA Quirk Deku AU | DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now