Well, That Was An Experience

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That was the number written next to his name on the chalk board.

"Looks like a lot of people went for the self-destructive kid, huh?" Katsuki slapped him lightly on the shoulder and grinned. His smile disappeared, however, when he realized that Izuku looked ready to lay down and die on the floor. "Dude, are you okay? Aren't you excited?"

Izuku was not excited. He didn't really know why he wasn't excited; he had every reason to be absolutely ecstatic. But he wasn't. He was just way too tired stressed out to imagine choosing one agency out of 5,274.

In other words, he wanted to hide under his desk for the next three hours.

So when the rest of the class started coming up to him and asking questions like "How are you gonna choose from so many people?"
And "You should see if you got a request from this hero! Maybe we can go to the same agency!", that's exactly what he did.

Izuku curled up into a ball underneath his desk and sat there, hiding from his responsibilities like any respectable fifteen-year-old should.

"I think we scared him," Mina said, turning to Ochaco.

"Uh, yeah, I think we did," The brunette replied. She crouched down next to Izuku's desk. "Izu? You alright?" All she got in reply was a small internally dying noise. Standing back up, Ochaco scanned the room for Katsuki. She found him in a corner, raging that icyhot got more requests than him.

"Bakugou! We have a situation!" She called across the room, catching his attention. He noticed the green bean hiding under his desk and came over.

"What did you fuckheads do to him?" He asked venomously.

"Language, Kacchan," Izuku muttered. His voice was muffled as his face was buried in between his knees.

"Kittie, why are you hiding under your desk?"

"YOU DID CALL HIM KITTIE!" Ochaco exclaimed, her eyes sparkling. You could literally see the sugoi.

"Don't call me that at school!" Izuku was starting to get flustered, and he had the sudden urge to melt the tile beneath him and just slowly sink through the floor.

"Answer my question, Zuku."

"I'm tired! Can I just stress out it peace?"

"Stress out later, weirdo. You need to choose an agency."

"There's like five thousand agencies for me to choose from! How the hell am I supposed to pick one!?"

"I don't know, ask that teacher who was training you. Maybe they know somebody. Besides, you don't have to choose right now. At least look through your options."

"Give my brain a minute to stop melting."

"Sure thing. Just come out by the next class." Katsuki then turned to the rest of the class and loudly ordered them to leave Izuku alone. Izuku stayed under his desk, silently trying to stop himself from actually melting the floor and sinking through it.

He eventually crawled out of his solitude, mostly calmed down, and looked through the list of requests for a few minutes before second period started.

------------ Time Skip ------------

"So Izu-chan, why were you hiding under your desk earlier?" Ochaco cheerfully inquired as the Don'tCallMeDeku-Squad made its way to the roof. [I'll change that horrendous excuse for a team name once I decide what his hero name will be]

Death Penalty | BNHA Quirk Deku AU | DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now