Of F*cking Course

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Izuku and Katsuki, the dynamic duo, were walking down a sidewalk at a leisurely pace. They had woken up earlier than usual, so there was an extra chilly bite to the morning air. Ash-blonde Katsuki, always the pessimist, found it unpleasant. Happy-go-lucky, green-haired Midoriya, on the other hand, found the cold that nipped at his face quite refreshing.

A wintry breeze came their way, ruffling Izuku's forest of hair. Katsuki, walking behind his brother due to his slouching gait slowing him down, was aware of each individual hair moving in the wind. Behind his blistering eyes of vermillion that burnt everything they landed on, the explosive adolescent was reminiscent.

He remembered back when he and Izuku were little kids; each about four years old. They had been walking down this very sidewalk, but in the opposite direction, going towards their house instead of away from it. Mitsuki was there as well. Katsuki and Mitsuki always used to walk with Izuku back to his apartment, since his parents were always too busy, but neither his mother nor his father were home when little Izuku took the spare key from his pocket and unlocked the door. Hence, the living ray of sunshine came home with the Bakugous.

The two children had fun for a few hours, putting together puzzles and chasing each other around the yard. Both were sad when Mitsuki got a call from Chikushou, Izuku's mother, and had to take him back home.

Katsuki was disappointed that his playmate couldn't stay for longer; an everyday feeling that occurred every time they dropped off Izuku at his home. Izuku's woes, however, were much more serious. He didn't want to leave because he was scared of what would happen when he got home.

Katsuki cursed his past self for being so ignorant when he remembered Izuku coming to kindergarten covered in bruises the next day.

"Kacchan, look!" Katsuki pulled himself from his reminiscences when he heard the excited call of his companion. Izuku's glowing, jade-like eyes were wide, even wider than usual, and his outstretched arm was pointing up into a nearby tree. Katsuki, following his gaze, found a few tiny little leaves of vibrant green.

Izuku lowered his hand and turned to see if Katsuki had comprehended the information. Their gazes met, and Izuku's big, round eyes crinkled up into a dazzling grin.

"This means spring is coming!" Izuku proclaimed with a closed-eyed xmile. Katsuki snickered.

"Kittie, why do the most childish things amuse you?" Katsuki had a playful grin resting lightly on his face, his eyes softening only slightly as he looked down at his brother condescendingly. Izuku huffed in a pouting manner, turning away from Katsuki and continuing down the sidewalk.

"It isn't childish to be excited about spring," He reasoned. "Your birthday is in spring. That's something to be excited about."

"Why would you be excited about my birthday? Dude, sometimes you just don't make sense."

"That's the thing with people like me. If I for some reason don't know what I'm talking about, it's probably something really stupid."

"Ain't that the truth. Anyways, you shouldn't be worrying about a measly couple of leaves. What you should be getting excited about is what's happening today." Katsuki was reffering to the annual UA sports festival. Izuku sighed. This was the first time he'd be using One for All against other students; so far he'd only used it on random shit he found on the beach and All Might himself, and he wasn't exactly stoked to be experimenting on live television.

"What's that sigh for?" Katsuki teased, elbowing Izuku lightly in the ribs. "Loosen up a little! It's the sports festival. We've watched it every year for as long as we can remember, and now we get to be IN IT! Come on, you've got to be at least a little bit hyped."

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