I'm Sorry

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Many people dislike the white walls and chemical smell of hospitals, but Izuku doesn't mind it one bit. In fact, he actually finds it rather comforting. When he wakes up to bright lights and the strong scent of disinfectant, he knows where he is, and he knows that he will live. So, when he opens his eyes after killing stain and recognizes the familiar features of a hospital, he is perfectly calm. The chemical scent that many despise helps to clear his head, the white walls helped him focus, and he was able to recall what had happened.

Tenya wasn't hurt, as far as he knew. Native was paralyzed, but he hadn't noticed too many injuries, so he was probably alright. Izuku knew he was severely fucked up, but he didn't care that much. It was normal at this point.

For a moment, as his vision sharpened, he thought he saw his mother standing next to his bed. His real mother, Chikushou. Her light green hair, which had always been pulled into a flawless ponytail, was tangled and messy. She looked like she hadn't slept in ages, and she was crying. Hard. 

Izuku had always believed that hell was a void, where you drowned in your misery for all enternity because you knew you could never take back your sins. Chikushou looked like she had certainly been there, and he felt guilt grip him. If he hadn't killed her, she would have had a chance to fix what she had done.

As his eyes adjusted, she disappeared, as if she had never been there. Instead, there was Mitsuki and Masaru - talking to a doctor. Their words sounded distant and muffled, as if from another room.

"...complications with the intestines. He may have to undergo another surgery, although it would be preferrable if he was lucid for a while beforehand," The doctor said to his adoptive parents, who looked worried.

The greenette was lucid - he was pretty sure he was, at least - so he tried to lift his arm to wave at them. However, his arm seemed to be filled with cement. It barely moved. Trying a different approach, he tried to open his mouth and say something. Didn't work. Mouth would hardly open, and his vocal cords weren't in the mood. Instead, he tried to open his eyes a little wider, as they appeared to be half-closed. His eyelids, thankfully, listened to him, and his big-ass eyeballs were wide open again, and he started blinking rapidly, trying to catch his parents' attention.

After a moment, Masaru seemed to notice his son's eyes opening and closing, and his look of concern broke into a smile.

"Look, he's awake!"

Izuku's hearing seemed to be adjusting; the voices no longer sounded distant and muffled. When his parents came over to him, he stopped blinking, and managed to shape his lips into a small smile. Mitsuki was about to hug him, but stopped to glance at the doctor, who shook his head.

"Good morning, Midoriya. Well, it's afternoon, but who cares? How do you feel?"

"Numb," Izuku croaked, forcing a word out of his dry throat and immediately coughing. The doctor picked up a glass of water from a small table next to the bed, helping him take a few small sips.

"That's to be expected, considering you are on a lot of painkillers. My name is Dr. Takahashi. From what I heard, what happened was not exactly accidental on your part, so I'm assuming you remember what happened."

"I remember. Stain. Big knife."

"Yes. Very big knife. We put you through emergency surgery already, but we may have to do another one."


Dr. Takahashi chuckled. "I'll be talking to your parents about it. Just chill out for a while, alright?"

Izuku nodded slightly. The doctor smiled, and led his parents out into the hallway. He layed there for what might have been a long time, or maybe not. He spent most of the time trying to move his arms - he had somewhat figured out his face, but his arms were still incredibly heavy. He had barely succeeded in bringing his arms up to rub his eyes when Dr. Takahashi came back, telling him about the surgery they would have to do and when it was scheduled to happen. He didn't entirely listen - he didn't really care, as long as he could keep fighting like normal once all was said and done.

------------ Time Skip ------------

After the second surgery, the freckled teen was sitting up in his hospital bed, propped up by the wall behind him when Tenya came in. He grinned.


The blue-haired boy was followed by a dude with a dog head, wearing some sort of police uniform.

"Hello, Midoriya," Tenya and the officer said at the same time, in slightly different tones. Izuku resisted the urge to say 'jinx'. He knew why the officer was there.

"I am Kenji Tsuragamae, cheif of the Hosu police force. I take it you know what we're here for."

"Yeah, I know."

"I imagine that both of you know Stain's condition."

Tenya nodded solemnly. Izuku was silent and still. 

"Ever since the appearance of quirks, the police force has refused to employ quirk users, fearing that quirks would become a weapon. The heroes rose up to fill that position, and they are allowed to use their quirks in battle with strict rules and morals. You two are not ready to follow these rules without help from a more experienced supervisor. I don't think I need to remind either of you - especially you, Midoriya, considering your record and what happened with Stain - that powerful quirks can be very dangerous to the user and those around the user. The actions you two took is considered breaking the law, and you and your guardians would recieve punishment."

Izuku felt that guilt he felt earlier, when he thought he saw Chikushou, squeezing his chest like a boa constrictor.

"However, there are very few people that are aware of what happened, and I don't want two young heroes like you to get in trouble so early in your career. So, I have decided to make sure that the public does not find out about this. I have announced that Endeavor defeated the hero killer - it makes sense, since he has been known to be very brutal when attacking villains, and he has a fire quirk. Consider this a warning."

Izuku's chest immediately stopped trying to crush itself, and he grinned again. "Thank you, sir."

"Actually, as someone who works to keep the peace, I should be the one thanking you two," Kenji bowed politely, surprising both Tenya and Izuku. "I imagine you two would like to catch up. I will take my leave now."

He left the room, and as soon as the door closed, Izuku captured Tenya in the tightest hug his weak body could muster. The blue-haired teen yelped in surprise, stiff as a board like usual.

"I'm sorry, Iida. He would've killed you. I understand why you went for him, but I couldn't let you die."

Iida was silent for a painfully long time before answering. "...It's okay, Midoriya. At least he's gone. Thank you."

Izuku released Tenya from the hug, looking up at him with the biggest smile that would fit on his face. Tenya couldn't help but grin a little as well.

The greenette had killed people, but Tenya could never, ever think of that innocent face as the face of a murderer. It was the face of a hero.


Hello again. That was surprisingly easy to write. I know it's short, but I've been getting used to the super short chapters of my new story, and I couldn't think of how to keep it going for longer. Death Penalty is just a long-chapter sort of story, so I'll keep making the chapters 1000+ words. Sorry this took so long.

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