Because I Forgive Them

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Izuku stared blankly at the headband he had been given, quickly realizing that no one would want him on their team. He looked up from the strip of white cloth, and watched as everyone quickly huddled into groups. No one even spared him a glance; even Katsuki, Ochaco and Tenya had found teammates. Desperately scanning the arena, he noticed three students who were all looking around for a fourth group member. He made eye contact with one of them, a girl with bright orange hair and a friendly smile, and she ushered him over.

As he made his way over to the trio, he heard the girl addressing her team. 

"Guys, look! We've got number one!" Both turned to look at him as he arrived at their location, and recognition sparked between the teens.

"Oh, hey! It's you two!" Izuku exclaimed with a grin. "We weren't introduced properly last time. Izuku Midoriya, at your service!" He stuck out his hand. The two boys stared at him. One of them, the insomniac with wild purple hair, looked mildly dissapointed. The other one, the snarky blonde, looked downright confused. Neither of them expected for the kid they had tryed to roast to be so friendly with them. Neito was the first to recover. He took Izuku's hand and shook it.

"Neito Monoma. I apologize for my rudeness two weeks ago. It's a pleasure to have your assistance."

The orange-haired girl shook his hand next. "I'm Itsuka Kendou. The purple guy is Shinsou Hitoshi." Hitoshi scoffed.

"I could have done it myself," he muttered, not meeting Izuku's eye as he shook his hand. Once introductions were over, Neito took the lead.

"So, I think I should be the rider because I can copy Itsuka's quirk, which requires the use of hands. The hor-"

"Shouldn't Itsuka be the rider, then, since she would be better at using her own quirk?" Izuku cut him off. Neito's face turned a brilliant shade of red, and he turned away.

"He doesn't want to admit that he's got noodle arms," Itsuka explained casually. "I think we should all explain our quirks before we assign roles. I'll go first. My quirk is called Big Fist. I can instantaneously expand the size of my hands, making them much stronger." Neito spoke up again.

"I can copy the quirk of anyone I touch." He turned to look at Izuku. "Don't worry, I haven't copied yours yet. From what I've seen, I know it's quite destructive, and I didn't want to risk harming myself."

Shinsou went next. "I can brainwash people into doing whatever I tell them if they respond to me verbally. I can only do three people at a time, and if they take a beating it can wake them up prematurely."

"Mine is called Death Penalty. When I activate it, anything I touch from the elbows down is given the death penalty. When I deactivate it, anything given the death penalty will be cremated. I have a limit to how many square feet I can cremate before I start getting backlash." Itsuka, Neito and Shinsou stared at Izuku after hearing what his quirk was. They had never heard of anything like it.

"With all due respect, Midoriya-- holy fuck that sounds cool, can I try it out?" Neito momentarily transformed from a snotty rich kid that's seen everything to an excited teenager who was riding a hoverboard for the first time, and Izuku couldn't help but laugh.

"Sorry to burst your bubble, but I don't even know if you can. Activation for me requires the scar on my right hand to be visible to the naked eye. I'm not sure how you would activate it. I think the cut actually appeared when it manifested, so maybe the cut would appear on your hand as well? It's right on a bunch of veins, the doctors said I could've bled to death from just the one cut. I don't think it's safe for you to copy it." Neito was slightly crestfallen, but shook it off. "Anyways, I think Shinsou should be the rider because he can brainwash anyone who tries to steal our headbands. I'll go in the front. Neito, copy Itsuka's quirk, and you two can attack from the back." Izuku took control of the situation and walked up behind Shinsou, grabbing him by the ankles and lifting him up over his shoulders effortlessly. Ignoring Shinsou's screaming, he casually addressed Neito and Itsuka.

Death Penalty | BNHA Quirk Deku AU | DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now