💜part 1💜

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This is my first book! I'm sorry if my grammar is wrong, if it is please tell me! Have fun reading this book! ❤

Milly P.O.V

I opened the front door and stepped into the house. As I closed the door it made a soft noise, I waited for a moment to check if my dad heard me. After a few seconds there was still no movement in the house so I walked inside.

When I closed the door I looked up to see an angry man, who I am supposed to call my dad, in front of me.

"WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?" He asked angry.
I opened my mouth to talk. But before I could even say something he slapped me.

"Auch" I said as I puty hand on my face. I looked up again only to be met with angry grey eyes. He was closer than I tough so I took a step back.

"You stupid bitch! Where have you been!? " He yelled at me.

"I-I was at school" I stuttered, afraid of what he was going to do next. I looked him in the eye and saw him looking at me with an suspicious look.

He then slapped me again and kicked me in the stomach. I fell on the ground and held my stomach to protect myself from the kicks. While he was beating me up he yelled at me.


'Well damn, that hurts. Feeling the love bro'


After he was done he walked away to the living room and layed on the couch. He took a sip of his bottle but it was empty. He trew it at me, but me being me I expected it so I dodged it.

"You bitch, what are you still doing on the ground? Get me a new bottle and make me some dinner." He told me with his eyes on the TV.

Oh yea maybe I need to give you a little update. Well it's just that my dad doesn't let me eat.  'bEcAUsE I'm jUsT A pEaCe Of ShIt.'

I scrambled up from the ground to get a new bottle of beer for my dad. I know I shouldn't let him drink but he doesn't listen to me. Arguing about it leads to getting beaten up again, or worse.

As I picked up a new bottle and walked back to my dad he yelled.
"We don't have all the time in the world you know!" I walked into the living room and stood in front of him, he kept his eyes on the TV and ignored me.

"Here you go " I muttered as I made some place and placed the bottle on the table between all the other but those were empty. I turned around and walked up the stairs to do my homework, but of course my dad needed to say something

"Hey come back here you bitch! " He yelled. I signed and turned around. I walked back into the living room and stood in front of my dad who was still laying down on the couch.

"Yea?" I asked him.

"Where is my food huh?! I told you to make me food! SO MAYBE YOU SHOULD START MAKING ME SOME FOOD! " He screamed. While I stood there a little shook by his sudden outburst he looked back at the tv. God I think he doesn't even know there is a real world.

I made my way back into the kitchen and made some food. While I did that I began to think. 'I need to get away from here, my own dad is abusing me and my mom is never home because she is afraid of him. ' I made a plan to myself. I was going to pack my stuff after dinner and was leaving the house tonight when my dad was asleep.


After I made dinner for my dad I made my way upstairs and started to pack by bags and pulling everything in them. When I was done my dad barged into my room. As always I took some time to walk over to me because he was drunk once again.

I couldn't move because I was afraid of what he was going to do next. Then he took my arm and trew me on the bed.

"N-No dad, p-please not again! " I whisper-shout.

You probably asking yourself 'what again? ' and being really confused right now, so I'm gonna explain really fast what's actually happening.

Well basically my dad would rape me once or twice a week. And at this point the look in his eyes is telling me that he will be doing it once again.

"Shhh baby girl, we're gonna have some fun" He told me with a smirk on his face. I scrambled back in fair, only to bump into my headboard. My dad climbed on the bed and hovered his body over mine.

"Be silent and it won't be so bad" He said with the smirk still plastered on his face.
Here we go again...


After he was done he left my room like nothing happened.

"Go to bed or I'll beat you up again" He said loud enough for me to hear.

I did as told and climbed into by bed. I prayed to God that my mom would be coming home tonight to I could tell her bye.

Hey guys I hope you like this book, please tell me what you think of it and if you like it! ❤ love xxx

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