💛part 13💛

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Okay, so wattpad is being an ass right now, so read THE NEXT CHAPTER first. Because it says 13 comes before 12 so I'm sorry about that. I can't change it, I've tried everything but it just doesn't work. I'm sorry.


*Read chapter 12 first! *

Daniel P.O.V

When we arrived at home I looked at Milly who was asleep with her head on my shoulder.

"Euhhm boys" I said to gain their attention. "Milly is asleep what should I do? " I asked.

"Carry her to your room and let her sleep. There, she deserves rest right now. She's bin trough so much" Jonah said with sad eyes.

I crumbled out of the car and picked milly up. "Wow" I said as I felt how light she was.

"What? Is something wrong? " Jack asked me with concern in his voice.

"No.... I mean maybe? " I kind of asked I think?

"What do you mean man? " Corbyn asked.

"I mean, I knew she didn't eat much but it looks like she loses weight by the second" I said as I walked away and made my way to the front door.

Jack opened the door for me and let me in. I walked upstairs and layed Milly down on the bed. "Goodnight love" I said. I started to close the door when I heard a faint voice call my name.

"Daniel, please stay and cuddle with me" She asked. A smile grew on my face as she asked it.

"Of course love" I said. I layed down next to her and put my arms around her as she snuggled up to me.

"Thank you Daniel, goodnight" She said in a tired voice.

"Goodnight love" I said to her. I liked to call her love because she deserves all the love in this word...


Zach P.O.V

*meanwhile Daniel was upstairs*

"I don't know about you guys but even I can see that Daniel loves her" I said to the guys while I sat on the couch.

"Wow Zach I didn't know you could be this smart" Jonah said in a sarcastic tone. "But yea, it's kinda obvious that he loves her already" He said.

"Wow thanks Jonah, good to know that you think I'm smart to" I said with a smirk on my face.

"Yea, yea, yea, whatever, but you're right for once zachary. Daniel is never been in love before... Well his ex but he didn't love her, she was just using him and his weakness. " Corbyn stated.

"Damn we've never seen this guy so happy. And we can all tell that she is right for him, I mean, she doesn't know about us" Jack said.

"Yea and he is the only one single in the band, I think she is right for him if she already makes him this happy by just being here" Jonah says.  We all nod.

"Guys, back in the restaurant when I held her hand. I don't know if you guys saw it but Daniel's face showed how jelly he was. He glared at me and I just held her hand. If that guy doesn't love her I don't kow  anymore. Just skip the whole liking each other part" I said.

"You guys saw the look in his eyes while looking at him" Jack asked.

"Yea I don't know what it was but it looked like he didn't want her ex to live anymore" I chuckled.

"Yea, no time for jokes Zach. But you're right, but that doesn't only count for her ex. It also counts for all the boys in the World except for us because we're his bro's and we already have a girl" Corbyn stated dreamily.

"Yea I know tate is a Flippin Queen" Jonah said with a smile on his face.

It was quiet for 2 minutes while everyone just taught about their girlfriend.

"Okay I don't know about you guys but I'm gonna sleep" Jack said. "We will talk to Daniel tomorrow" He stated with a smile/smirk on his face.

"Yea I'm gonna go to"  I said as I followed Jack up the stairs.

"Goodnight guys" I said.
"Goodnight bro" Everybody said back.

Hey Guys, thank you so much for Reading my book! Please tell if you like it and what you want to happen in further chapters.

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