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I'll make sure to keep my distance.

All the participants were called to get assembled in the hall, the main competition was being held in the coming month, thus today was the day for final pairing.

Halsey, the main instructor was assembling the groups in accordance with there performance genre. Jess was glad that Zac had chosen a different genre, finally she could get a lot more time to think about without him being around.

After their solo performance, finally the partners for event "Lamdten night" were selected.

"You'll be assigned a partner with respect to the music genre as you've performed in your solos" Halsey assured everyone while analyzing the names.

She started to call the names that were supposed to be paired with each other, 

and in the end only two of them were left, 

Jess immediately crossed her fingers but it went worthless 

"Zac and Jess you would be paired together, your performance will demand passion, so I would like to advice you for choosing a genre which has intimacy"

Jess was to totally out of place, apart from different genres, she was still entangled in a mess, she felt like every person in this world is trying to completely screw her up. 

For her nowadays even gazing him was chaotic, and all of a sudden she wanted to throw up.

"You people are dismissed" Halsey said and everyone started to conversate with their partner, Jess tried to find Zac in crowd and she was surprised, he was just sitting by the corner, neither did he approached her nor he gave her a glimpse, 

"maybe he was right about the waiting part" she thought to herself and immediately went out to catch up with Halsey.

Zac was walking out of the dorm when he heard a conversation.

"Can't I swipe partners with someone else" 

Jess was standing in front of Halsey so that her back was facing him. Before she could say anything he interrupted.

"I won't do my performance with anyone else except her" he pointed his fingers towards Jess.

"Honey everything is finalized, both of you are paired up in accordance with seniors command , I can't do anything about it" Halsey said trying to convince Jess with present conditions.

She looked at the person beside her, but received no response; instead, he nodded towards Halsey and walked away.

That was a bit strange for her, as usual she was so used to him giving her attention all the time  that now she can't bare this ignorance, It was like she want to hold his hands and then break his arm.

She followed him , and he turned around with a really blank expression, 

"You said you won't intervene so why are you doing this now? " 

she didn't knew why she followed him in first place, because doing all of this just showed that she was desperate and she wasn't that's what only she thought

"I said I'll wait, I didn't said I will give up" he said it as a matter of fact and walked away.

They say the more you hide feelings for them, the more you fall for them, and in her case it was being evident day by day. 

She had never been in something like this. She didn't knew what commitment is
Moreover, she knew that idea of love is just limited to the novels , until she met him and she felt every emotion that she used to read in the stories. And now, she was forcing herself to come back in reality , unusually, her own self dejected this idea. 

7:00 p.m

"Do it again". It was her millionth time saying it.

Music cued once again, and Jess fell on the ground one more time.

Whenever Zac would try to hold her for a lift, she would jerk her arm away causing both of them to spent a whole hour on a simple step, at this rate they weren't even able to practice the first part. 

Jess was looking down and Zac just stood in front of Halsey who didn't looked really pleased 

" Are you two even serious about this" She was furious by now. 

"Listen To be honest both of you are the best, that's why partnering you together was decided , don't make me doubt my decisions"

She raised her voice and both of them nodded 

"I want this part to be perfectly scrutinized by tomorrow, And I don't care what will you do for this" they nodded and left the dorm. 

Jess was eating ice-cream with joohyun at cafeteria

"Take it just as performance you're here for that right, why are you being distracted. It's not that you have feeling for him either" 

Joohyun arched her eyebrow , 

"Or maybe you should consider talking to him"

She suggested but received a hysterical laugh in return which irritated her.

"Oh come on Jess, it wasn't even his fault , even Dany confirmed it to you, for how long are you going to punish someone for something they didn't do"

There was a vibrant aura around her, she demanded for an answer.

"I'm going to visit my mom and I'll be back by tomorrow evening, and if you didn't solve this mess then I'm gonna do it my way"

Considering Joohyun who was such a ball of sunshine being turned to an actual authoritative person was a bit troublesome for Jess. 

She sighed and agreed to her.

These past days Jess had been on a whole roller coaster ride, She would found herself peeking at him during practise, sometimes, she would be staring out of her window in order to watch him enter the hostel. Apart from this, when she would realize what she has been doing she slaps herself. 

But still her unconscious mind was being weaker in front of her strong emotions.

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