Taehyung's Truth (39)

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"Did you guys hear about Tae?" I asked the boys.

They looked up at me.

"What about him?" Jin asked.

"He is a bit upset. His grandmother is currently in the hospital." I explained.

They all sighed and touched their temples.

"He is always worried about his grandmother." Jimin said.

"... Jimin, he looked really upset. Like he broke down when we were walking. You can't just say something like that. He loves her." I said.

He didn't say anything, he just stood up and walked away. I raised both my hands in a confused expression.

"Look Y/n he isn't lying. Taehyung is always like this when it comes to his grandmother." Yoongi spoke.

"Guys please.. She doesn't really know him..or any of us. She most likely relates to his emotions." Jungkook muttered.

I looked at him and smiled, he shyly smiled.

"Still. Nothing really goes wrong. He is just dramatic." Yoongi then said.

My face had an expression which isn't too favorable.

I stood up and walked away.

*how can they say that??? Tae is obviously hurting. They should be there by his side even if the situation isn't too serious. It's serious to him and he needs support.* I thought to myself.

Jimin walked up to me, "are they not on your side?" He scoffed.

"It's not that. I feel for Tae and you guys should be there for him in any situation he is dealing with." I crossed my arms.

He laid his back against the wall next to me and sighed.

"Y/n you need to understand that he needs to deal with this stuff on his own so he learns to not be so dependent. He is like a child, he is going to want to be treated like one when things aren't right. Have you not noticed that?" Jimin explained.

I looked at him and shook my head.

"Y/n you nurture him.. Just like his grandmother did. You seriously haven't noticed?" He asked.

I pouted and shook my head.

"I'm just being nice." I said.

He shook his head, "he likes you so much because you remind him of his grandmother. When you had that party and we had to remove him.. He said that to us." Jimin said.

"He said that he loved you..." Jimin muttered.

My heart softened, I nodded at what Jimin said.

"I mean I noticed his interest I just never knew about the comparison." I scratched my neck.

Jimin changed the topic quickly, "What about me? Do you know that I like you?"

" ... Jimin look it's the girl you kissed earlier! " I said.

he turned around, "Which one?" He questioned.

I shook my head and walked away going back to where the other boys were at.

I sat next to Namjoon, "Do you think it's okay if I see him later?" I asked.

The guy's eyes shot up and they all said no.

"H-he lives pretty far... um and we'll his home isn't really put together...just yet." Hoseok spoke out.

I burrowed my eyebrows, "What do you mean?" I asked.

Hoseok looked at Yoongi with worried eyes.

Hoseok P.O.V

"What am I supposed to say?? I can't just tell her he lives around a bunch of cow poop!" I whispered to Yoongi.

"You shouldn't have said anything at all." He whispered back.

I grabbed his shoulders, "But I've already said somethingggg! Help me.. I-I'll take you out to dinner?!" I whispered to him as I shook his shoulders.

"Okay okay.. Just say that his home is being renovated or...something." Yoongi said.

I cleared my throat, "Taehyung is currentlyyy... his um h-home is um.. being fixedddddd." I struggled to lie.

I looked at Yoongi and smiled.

"Did I do it?" I asked.

" Barely. I'm getting dessert since you choked. " He said.

I pouted and turned to the girl.


Hoseok seemed to be rambling about how I couldn't see Tae.

"..ok.. I guess." I stuttered.

" Class is about to start. We should get going. " I said as I stood up.

Jungkook paced to me and hugged me, "Bye noona." He smiled.

I sheepishly smiled and messed with his hair, "Byee" I said.

Namjoon grabbed my hand and started walking to our class, "So what's the real reason?" I asked.

Namjoon chuckled, "You're smart." He said.

" We'll he made it too obvious. " I said.

"It's not about his home being fixed. It's about where it sits and its purpose." Namjoon said.

"Which is?" I asked.

"Taehyung comes from a family of farmers. He doesn't live in a nice place like we do. But he sure does love it enough to stay." Namjoon explained.

"So Tae is a farmer? Why is that such a big thing?" I continued to ask.

"He loves it but he is too embarrassed to share things like that.. especially to people he has interest in." Namjoon said.

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