My First Angel (10)

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I bumped into one of the shelves and water splashed on my hair, luckily my clothes didn't get wet, it was just a few splashed here and there.

*Aish. now what if I get sick? * I thought to myself.

After a while of crying I heard someone step in front of the door.

*Knock* *Knock* sounds came from the janitors door.

I rubbed my eyes trying to dry them, and moved my wet hair out of my face. The door knob turned and I hid in the corner of the closet.

"Uhh, y/n y-you in here?" a shaky voice said, coming from the door.

It sounded familiar. I slowly crept out of the corner making my appearance known. "Y-yeah." I said in a whispery voice. I had a feeling I looked creepy because it was dark.

"AHHH!!" He yelled. " M-My heart! " Hoseok said touching his heart.

"Come in and close the door.." I said, sniffling my nose also not amused.

"Wh-what are you doing in here, isn't it t-to dark?" Hoseok said, sitting next to me on the floor.

"What do you want can't you see I'm in pain? " I said, moving farther from him.

"Yeah, I know I just want to annoy you." he said.

I stared at him signaling that I wanted him to get out. But he scooted even closer making me hit the wall.

He put his head on my shoulder. I got up to lock the door so no one finds us in here so they could make up more rumors that were on top of each other being all sloppy. I sat back down and he once again put his head on my shoulder.

"Why are you here?" I asked in a sleepy voice, slowly drifting off because of the quietness and the dim lights.

"I'm here to comfort you, y/n." he said, lifting his head and looking at me. He removed the hair out of my hidden face. "Don't do that it doesn't fit you." he said, lifting my chin.

I blushed as he looked directly at my lips.

"w-what do you mean doesn't fit me?" I said, popping my lips out to seem cute.

" That right there ha... and the fact that you hide that beautiful face of yours. y/n you don't have to hide yourself, be yourself the guys and I won't judge you. " he said hugging my neck.

"And what if no one likes me. I've just always kept to myself since my mother's passing... b-before she past, when we were in the car she told my to just keep to myself and so I always have.." I said, letting out a weep.

"It's ok, let it out." He says, I could feel his breath on my neck.

"Y-Y-You're soooooo nicceeeeeee." I cried out, sobbing on his shoulder.

"Ah, thanks. Just calm down." he said, patting my head.

I have a habit of sleeping right after I cry and that's exactly what happened.

I woke up a little bit later to see Hoseok also passed out next to me. His head was on my shoulder.

*Ugh. what time is it? " I thought.

I went into his pocket to see his phone. it was about 2 hours after school was over.

*OMG. we stayed her after school, geez. we have to go though.. * I thought.

"H-Hoseok we have to go, come on get up!" I whispered, slightly shaking him.

He turned over grabbing my waist tightly, You could tell that he was a cuddler because he also started to wrap his legs around you.

"HOSEOK!" you scream whispered.

" Yeah? " He said, with a raspy voice. He opened his eyes slightly and realized that he was holding me so he quickly let go. "Its ok" I said, standing up.

"We stayed here after school. It's been 2 hours Hoseok, why didn't you wake me up so we could leave?" I asked, while helping him up.

"I guess I fell asleep too, after you stopped crying." He said, touching the back of his neck.

I opened the janitors door to see empty halls. We made a run for the front door and got out safely.

"My car is still here if you want me to drop you off at home!" he said, pointing at his car.

"We'll I kinda stayed at Namjoon's house for the night so my stuff is over there. " I said, scratching the back of my head.

"Why'd you stay over there?" he asked, looking at me.

"He volunteered to take care of me for the night since no one was at my apartment." I said, looking down.

"Oh, how nice." He said, while putting his hand around me and walking to the only car in the parking lot.

~Time Jump~

We arrived at Nam's house. He was outside, he looked mad.

"Well, thank you Hoseok. For making me feel happy, you're such a good person." I said, giving him a kiss on the cheek before getting out of the car.

Jung Hoseok is like an angel sent down from heaven to make me feel like I was someone who could change the world. Hoseok was my 1st angel!

Hoseok was someone who Comforts me.

A/N this one I wanted to make about Hobi because obviously he is our Angel and he makes me smile a lot. Thank you for reading my story, vote and comment! Annyeong.

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