Does He Really Care? (6)

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Jungkook took the bus home and well I just walked home... The door was open again, I wouldn't be surprised if all our things were gone. A lot of people walk in and out of the apartment all the time, mostly women, I mean sluts. The T.V. was on and no one was home... still not a surprise.

Dinner wasn't going to be good today, when has it ever been. *KNOCK* *KNOCK* I heard from the front door.

"H-hello?" I said, hesitantly not wanting to open the door.

"y/n are you there." The voice behind the door said, I didn't really know anyone around here who knew my name.

"hmm *clearing voice* uhh- uhh yeah, this is she.." I said, while getting closer to the door.

"Hey can we come in." The voice sounded more clear, it belonged to a man. Not to old but not to young.

*We.. whos we?* I thought to myself.

I opened to door to see two familiar faces. It was Jin and Namjoon.

"Oh.. It's you guys. what a surprise. A big surprise. How did you find me?" I asked, making hand gestures for them to come in.

"Ah we just looked at your profile. We heard about Jungkook, we stopped by his house but left quickly he seemed to not like the company so we left." Namjoon said, handing me a bowl of Kimchi and sticky rice.

"Thank you. B-but wait, my profile, what profile?" I asked still not understanding how and why they came.

"School profile.. Aish it has your address and medical/ school records." Jin said also handing me a bowl of Spicy Pork Bulgogi.

"Oh, right. But why are you here exactly?" I asked.

"Aish, enough with the questions. Just eat." Namjoon said, pushing me to the only seat we had in the house.

~After Eating~

" So this is where you live huh, seems a little squished." Jin said, walking and looking around.

"Ha, yeah we can't afford much right now so this is what we have to deal with right now." I said, looking a the door making sure Appa wasn't going to bust in drunk.

"Where's your parents." Namjoon said, facing in my direction.

"Appa well.. I don't know." I said, still glaring at the door.

"And Eomma?" Jin said.

"Gone.. Eomma is gone." I said now looking at the ground while fidgeting with my fingers.

"I can take you home." Namjoon said. " If no one is coming to look after you." Holding my wrist.

"oh, no that's ok, I'll be fine." I said, slowly standing up.

"Take the offer, his mother is really sweet and they have an extra bed room!" Jin said, while cleaning the bowls and putting them in his bag.

"Oh come on, we can get to know each other better too, all I know from you is that you and Jimin argue a lot." Namjoon said, while laughing and covering his face.

"Sure! umm... let me pack some stuff." I said, I was only happy because I wouldn't be sleeping on a hard mattress and wouldn't be watched while sleeping.

Jin drove us to Namjoon's house. It was quite big, the neighborhood was quiet and the house was surrounded in a white gate.

"This looks really nice, are you like rich." I said, my face lit up in excitement and I stood up from the backseat leaning forward for a better view.

"haha, not really but you can say that. I'm not rich, my parents are though." He said while rubbing the back of his neck.

I saw his reaction and said, "Stop bluffing, thank you Nam Nam." I hugged his neck and gave him a peck on the cheek.

Jin stopped the car as we arrived in his drive way. I immediately jumped out the car and took a big breath in.

"Wow even the air is better here." I said, while laughing and jumping up and down of excitement.

"Ha ha, maybe he'll let you stay here." Jin said, nudging Namjoon to mess with him.

"Not funny...Ugly." Namjoon said, nudging Jin back.

"Hey.. STOB IT." Jin said, he looked offended that Nam called him ugly.

"Yeah stop it." I said, taking Jin's side.

Namjoon looked at me like he was ready to fight.

*I was just joking, does he think I'm serious??. he's kind of cute when he gets mad.* I thought to myself, while laughing out loud.

"What's so funny?" Namjoon asked, walking and looking at me at the same time.

He didn't realize where he was going and hit the front door.

"Ha that's what's funny!!" I said, putting my hands on my knees laughing uncontrollably .

"Yeah, yeah." he said, giving me a smirk.

He opened up the door and lead me inside. His mother was surprised that his son brought a girl home for the first time.

"Well, you're the first!?" She said, questioning Namjoon with her look.

" The first what ma'am? " I asked, politely while bowing to my elder.

"His lady. he has never brought a girl home.. so late a night!" She said, doing the same look.

" Umm. Eomma this is y/n, she had no one to watch her at home tonight so I asked her to come and rest here... " Namjoon said, also bowing to his elder.

"Ah, no worries Joonie, I'll take good care of her." Eomma Kim said, with a big smile.

" Eh, Please take care of me Eomma Kim, Thank you!!" I said, bowing my body for the second time.

"Well let's get you washed up, my daughter." Eomma Kim said, holding my shoulders and leading me to the bathroom.

"Daughter?" I asked , looking into her eyes.

"Well, you came here with my son, you guys must of known each other for a long time." Eomma said, giving me an excited look.

*Does she think I'm dat --- ughh ew no.* I thought to myself.

"Eomma Kim please don't misunderstand. Nam Nam and I are just friends. well we just became friends." I said , smiling at her.

"Hmm.. well if you say so. " Eomma Kim said, looking a bit disappointed.

* Maybe Nam Nam's Eomma really did think we were dat-- ew nevermind.*

A/N Thank you for reading my story. I hope you really like this one. if you have any request or questions ask me please. Comment or give me any suggestions on my writing. don't forget to vote. Annyeong!!!

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