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"Hey kiddos!" Patton yelled down the hall, "lunch is ready!"

Virgil groaned, rolling off his bed. He opened his door and was immediately attacked with a sharp pain in his eyes. The vampire quickly shut the door, plunging him in darkness once again.

Virgil sighed, picking up his sunglasses. He opened the door again and walked out to the kitchen where his other roommates sat.

"Hey kiddo!" Patton smiled at the emo, "those are some pretty neat glasses!"

"Uh, thanks." Virgil tensed at all the eyes staring at him.

Roman raised his eyebrow, "Why are you wearing sunglasses inside?"

Virgil gulped, "I-I, uh, h-have sensit-tive eye-eyes?"

"Ah, light sensitivity." Logan said, not looking up from his book, "is it hereditary?"

"Um, I suppose?" Virgil shrugged, "My entire family are va-ery sensitive to light. I-In fact, my mother and grandmother h-had photosensitiveity. A-and my grandfather- wait, am I talking too much?"

"Just a little." Roman nodded.

"Now Roman, be nice." Patton scolded, "he's probably really anxious about being talked to so much."

Virgil gave him a small smile. Roman just shrugged.

"Well his family seems better than mine," Roman rolled his eyes, "My brother is a literal monster."

Virgil let out a small chuckle. He sat next to Logan, who gave him a comforting smile. Patton came from the kitchen, holding a pot of spaghetti.  Roman followed carrying bread.

"Here you go kiddos!" Patton giggled.

Logan set down his book, "Thank you Patton, and Roman, it looks delightful."

"Yeah." Virgil smiled.

They all started eating. The food was delicious, perfectly made in Virgil's opinion. Unfortunately no human food would fill him up. Unless it's raw meat, that helps curb the craving for blood.

Soon lunch was finished nd Virgil retired to his room. He had begun to feel sick and light headed. The vampire collapsed on his bed, hoping the others wouldn't be too loud so he could take a nap.

Virgil curled around his pillow and fell into a restless sleep.

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