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T.W.: panic attack

Virgil watched the clock tick from behind the counter. He had recently gotten a job at McDonald's and his shift was nearly over. Which was good since he hadn't been able to get more blood all week and his backup stock had run out four days ago.

"Hey Virge?" One of his coworkers asked, "You okay? You're looking a little sick."

"I-I'm fine." Virgil gave them a small smile.

They sighed, "go home Virge, I'll cover for you."

Virgil sighed in relief, "thanks."

The vampire rushed out of his work, not paying attention to where he was going. Virgil ran into someone who looked like he had just lost a fist fight. There was blood all down the persons face. The vampires fangs ached.

Virgil's felt himself loose control as he grabbed the person and dragged him into an alley. The guy struggled, but Virgil pinned the guy to the wall and bit into his jugular artery. The vampire began drinking the humans blood.

It was only when the human went limp that Virgil snapped back to himself. Virgil dropped the human, panic rising up in his throat. What had he done?

Virgil sprinted back to his apartment. He fumbled with his keys as he felt the oncoming panic attack. Logan opened the door.

"Virge? Are you alright?" Logan asked, reaching for the panicked vampire.

Virgil shook his head, collapsing into Logan's arms, "I-I-I dr-rank f-from a hu-human."

"What?" Logan asked, sinking to the floor with Virgil in his arms.

"I-I lost c-control, I was so hungry a-and I r-ran into s-someone and dr-rank their b-blood a-and-" Virgil choked on a sob, "I'm a monster."

"No Virge, you're not a monster." Logan said quietly, hugging his boyfriend.

Virgil clung onto Logan's shirt, "but I-"

"You lost control." Logan told him, "that doesn't make you a monster. It's a lesson that took me far too long to figure out."

Virgil sighed, "I'm sorry L. It's just, I've never lost control like this, it scared me."

"It's okay Virge." Logan kissed the top of his head, "I'll be here if you get scared."

Virgil snuggled into Logan's arms, "I love you L."

Logan smiled softly, "I love you too Virge."

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