Chapter 19- Good luck & Good Riddance

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Dedicated to Dreamtoreality! Thanks for commenting and reading this far! :)


Chapter 19- Good luck & Good Riddance

            “Mr. Larkson has a punctured liver. It’s not looking good, but we are hoping he’ll make it. Now are you sure Mr. Larkson stabbed himself with a sharp pool cue?” the doctor asked skeptically.

            “That’s what we said,” Cleo sassed, despite the stupidity of her claim.

            The doctor gave us one more look before saying “All right.” He paused and thought about something for a moment. “You should probably keep this,” he said pulling a clear bag with Will’s phone and wallet from his clipboard and handing it to Cameron, who was closest to him. Then he turned on his heel and walked away.

            “He stabbed himself with a sharp pool cue?” I asked raising an eyebrow and pursing my lips. “Really? That’s the most unbelievable story I’ve ever heard.”

            “What else was I supposed to say?” Cleo scoffed taking a sip of the coffee Preston had handed her.

            “I’m guessing you’re not going to tell us what happened are you?” Cameron said managing to catch my eye.

            His question was followed by a long uncomfortable silence.

            Preston looked down uncomfortably. “His parents should probably be informed about… this before the doctor’s call,” he said breaking the silence.

            I smacked my forehead in dread. I’d completely forgotten about his parents! His mom was going to hate me. She adored me, but after this, oh gosh!

            “You’ll probably need this,” Cameron said sullenly handing me the bag. He had a cute “I-just-got-out-of-bed” look.

            Cleo, Preston and Cameron looked at me expectantly.

            I glared at them in return. “All right, I’m doing it,” I grunted grabbing the bag from Cameron. This day had just gone from bad to so much worse and it was only 11 AM.

            “Hello?” a pleasantly familiar voice cheerfully sung through the phone.

            “Hi Mrs. Larkson. It’s Jade.”

            “Oh Jadelynn. How are you dearie? Why are you calling so early?” she said, her voice oozing of warmth, making it that much harder on me.

            “It’s about Will,” I said cutting to the chase.

            “Oh,” her voice fell, all the previous warmth gone. “What about him?”

            “He’s in the hospital,” I said biting my lip almost afraid of her response. I hated being the bearer of bad news.

            I heard her sigh. “Is that all?” she said as if I’d called her for the most trivial thing.

            “You don’t understand. It’s pretty bad. He has a punctured liver… he could… die,” I said my voice barely a whisper at this point.

            To my surprise, she sighed again. “He’s a boy, he’ll tough it out,” she said icily.

            “Don’t you even care?” I exclaimed, shocked at her emotionless reaction. She paused for a second in which I was distracted by a text message on Will’s phone. The name "Mads (Brunette)" appeared on his phone. I was quickly undistracted by Mrs. Larkson’s icy voice.

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