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"I am so proud of you daughter. You have trained for so many years and have a good handle on your quirk now. Tomorrow you will be going to the best school there is, UA Academy. I look forward to seeing you grow into a pro."

"Thank you Father. I will make you proud and live up to our family name."

I left the backyard of my family home that my father had turned into a training course for me many years ago. I went over a mental checklist for myself, making sure that I had everything ready for school tomorrow. I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and finish getting ready for bed. My Father has been the best teacher I could ask for and I have a very strong bond with him, but tomorrow I must let the teachers of UA take over my training so that I can become stronger.

~The Next Morning~

I wake up to the sound of my alarm ringing directly in my ear. This is it. A new adventure. I went downstairs after getting dressed and notice my father had already gone to work. We made an agreement to not see each other unless in emergency situations. This is because I rely on his quirk to much when I'm using mine. It's for my own good, to get better control over my quirk.

I headed out the door and walked to school. It's about a 30 minute walk, but it helps me clear my thoughts. My father is going to be living in town at his headquarters, this is to avoid seeing each other as much as possible. Which also means the house is mine for awhile. I arrived at the front gates and walked in to the tall building standing before me. Class 1-A. This is where I will spend the next few years training with other students who all have the same goal in mind. To one day become the best. I found my class easily and opened the tall door. Great, I'm the last one to arrive. I notice in the back of the room a boy with half his hair white and the other half red. He looks a little familiar, but I don't exactly know why. A girl with short brown hair ran up to me, breaking my train of thought, and I noticed a boy with green hair following her.

"Hi! I'm Ochaca Uraraka!"

"And I'm Izuku Midoriya. What's your name?"

"Um, hi? My names (Y/N) (L/N)."

"Wait... (L/N)? Like as in (F/N) (L/N)? The containment hero?" Izuku stumbled over these questions, as if he couldn't get the words out fast enough.

"Yes. He's my Father."

"You must be one of the students that got in on recommendation! That's so cool!"

"Um, thanks, I guess. I would have liked to have proved myself though. Like everyone else." That's not a lie. I would have liked to have proved my worth just like everyone else does to get into this school, but having a Father like mine who takes his job as serious as he does, It's not difficult to see why the school wanted me to join under just recommendations.

"Okay, class take your seats." A man walked in, long black hair covered his face and you could barely see his eyes. He walked up to the podium and stared at the class. The three of us took our seats before he continued to talk. "Today we are going to have a little test. Go change into your gym clothes and meet me on the field." As I stood up to get out of my chair, a boy with spiky ash blond hair walked past my desk and stopped. He turned and looked at me.

"So your Father is the famous Containment hero and you got in on recommendation alone? Ha, we'll see how good you really are." He then walked away with an almost unreadable expression on his face. It's as if he didn't want to be here. A few students walked up to him, probably trying to introduce themselves, but he just kept walking. Never paying any attention to them. If that's the type of attitude he is going to have towards people, he will never be a crowd favorite once we all become pros. 

After everyone had changed into their gym clothes we all headed to the field. Our teacher was already waiting for us and had a clipboard in one hand, with an electronic device in the other.

"Now that I know you all can follow directions, hello, I'm Mr. Aizawa," Shota Aizawa. My father told me about him. My father made sure I learned the quirks of as many hero's as I could while I was growing up. My father believes that when the time is needed, you should know the most important things about fellow hero's, that way when the time comes, you can become a team on the spot, "Today we will be testing your abilities. In regular school you aren't allowed to use your quirks to further yourselves. That isn't the case here. Katsuki Bakugo, how far were you able to throw a softball in junior high?"

"I dunno like 65 meters." Katsuki Bakugo, so that's his name.

"Come throw this, but this time use your quirk." He walks up to throw the ball. This must be the first part of the test. Assuming that we all have to throw, I won't be able to use my quirk here. If this is all based on physical training I should do well. My Father made sure to train me especially for this since my quirk isn't the most physical, but I had to have enough stamina to control it.

He takes his throw and its unbelievable. He sends it flying over 700 meters. But his power. Was that... explosion. I couldn't believe my eyes and I couldn't help but smile a little because of the irony of our quirks. "What (Y/N)? Didn't think I would be this powerful. I'm going to be the best one day you know." I can tell that he has pride. To much of it i'm being honest. He needs to be taught a lesson. And I think I will be the one to break his pride.

We all go through multiple physical activities and I fair well by the end, for someone who didn't use their quirk. This isn't the right time to show my quirk to everyone. I need to wait.


I am very excited to have you in our school (Y/N). You are going to be a great addition to our student body." Principal Nezu has always intrigued me. He is always so happy, and honestly the perfect fit as the principal.

"Sir, may I ask of you something though?"

"Yes, what is it?"

"My father and I will not be on speaking terms during the course of the year. I rely on him to  much for when I can't control certain aspects of my quirk. This being said, I would like to keep my quirk a secret from my classmates until I'm ready to show them. I would like that only a few people, hopefully only teachers, would be the ones to know my true power. With this, I will also need someone that can help me in a way that my father does. I assume that my father called you and told you what I seek in my training here as I have full control over most of everything else. Which means, during training sessions I need someone who will produce energy."

"I understand. That is why I asked a special guest to our meeting today! Come on in!" I turned around to see who was coming through the door. All-Might.

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