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"Father! I'm not a little girl anymore! You raised me so that I would be able to protect myself! I understand that I was taken, but I'm back now!"

"I know! I'm not saying you're a little girl! There are precautions that we need to take first."

"You've never told me the whole truth! Have you!? Theres something you are keeping secret from me! I though that because it's just been you and me that you weren't going to keep secrets from me!" Tears started to roll down my face. A look of shock shadowed over my Fathers face as he just stared at me. He sighed and then sat down. He motioned for me to sit to. I took my seat and wiped away my tears.

"I have been keeping one important thing secret from you. And it involves that Villain All-Might was fighting on television."

"He's not my dad is he?"


"Ok! Sorry!"

My Father rubbed his temples and sighed before continuing again.

"Your Mother did leave me for him though. Right after you were born he found her. Convinced her to join the League. Tomura was old enough to walk and give somewhat directions to by this time, and you... you were just a small baby... She had talked about us joining them, but I refused. He ended up promising her things I couldn't and soon, I caught her sneaking off with you and Tomura in the middle of the night. I was able to save you before she got in the car, but Tomura was already in the car and as soon as I grabbed you, she sprinted to the car and it drove off. There was something that she did to both you and Tomura though. It was somebody's quirk. They are able to put thoughts in your brain, including dark ones. At some point in your life, when something tragic happens, your brain will be clouded in these thoughts and you will have to make a decision, to come out seeing the light of good, or stay in the dark with evil. Tomura has already been consumed with this darkness as you can tell. But you still have a chance. When I came home and seeing you fight your friends and Katsuki like that, it scared me that you had already chosen and that I had lost you too."

"Father.... I...  I didn't know..."

"Of course you didn't. I didn't want you to know. I didn't want that to be lingering in your thoughts all the time."

"Do you think that's why they were originally looked for Katsuki at the camp?"

"It could be. It all depends on how you truly feel about him." I sat down in a chair and lowered my head. I stared into my lap, playing with my hands. "How do you feel about the boy?"


"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to, but be warned. I approve of your relationship. I see how happy he makes you and you've changed so much since meeting him, but you cannot present him as a weakness to your Mother. You need to prove to her that he is a strength to you. That he just adds to you."

The door behind us slammed open and Katsuki walked through with his fists in balls and his teeth were clenched.

"Sir. If I may. I wanted to apologize. I couldn't protect (Y/N) and she was taken be those bastards. I made a promise to you and I couldn't keep it."

I could see tears start to well up at the corner of his eyes. He looked like he was about to lose it. My Father stepped in front of me and grabbed Katsuki by the shoulders, bringing him in to a hug.

"Katsuki... you did not break your promise. You never left her side, and even made sure to grab her before you were able to finally escape. As far as I'm concerned, you kept your promise to a higher standard than I though a boy your age could. So thank you." He released Katsuki from the hug and he kept his head down looking at his feet.

To protect my family and friends, I need to find the league fast and take down my Mother.

For Kaminari.

For Kirishima.

For Shoto.

For my Father.

And for Katsuki...

Hurt // Katsuki Bakugo x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now