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I walk through the archway that leads to the field as I hear my name being called out. The sun slightly blinds me, and I feel its heat coursing throughout my body. I am so close I can almost taste the victory. I only have one obstacle left in front of me. And his name is Katsuki Bakugo.

I walk up the few steps to the platform and take my position. Bakugo is doing the same, his hands in his pockets. Present Mic is introducing Bakugo now.

"Students ready?" I look up to Midnight and give her a nod, returning my glance to Bakugo. "Begin!"

We both stand still for a moment. I haven't been able to figure out a concrete plan on how to defeat him just yet. But I'm also ready to finally show him and the world my quirk. And I won't hold back.

"I'm amazed you got this far without a quirk. Hmph... if you want, you can just walk out and leave the win to me! Wouldn't want that face of yours to get ruined, now would we?"
"I'm not backing down Bakugo. You want to see my quirk? How about you come and fight me?"

He charges at me, visibly angry. He's creating small explosions in both hands and I quickly implode them. I can already feel the energy building up inside me. He stops in his tracks looking at his hands.


"I'm using my quirk like you wanted me to! What, is it to much to handle?"


He let's off a huge explosion with so much energy giving off of it. I quickly get to work and implode all of it.
"Huh, I believe you used the same explosion on your fight with Uraraka, yes?"
"How... how can that be possible... it.... it's gone. It didn't even touch you."
He has a look of disbelief on him. He really can't understand what just happened. But I need to focus. The energy I've stored up needs to be released, if I hold anymore it could potentially be damaging. I stand up straight and put my hands together. A huge rush of energy (kinda like wind) rushes out in a whirlwind from me all around. It knocks Bakugo back a few feet. After it's done, I get back down into a fighting position.

"DIIIIEEEEEEEEE" He rushes towards me and reaches for my wrist, I dodge and grab his and fling him onto his back. He grabs my ankle and quickly puts me on the ground. Dang it, I wasn't fast enough. He quickly gets on top of me and puts one hand on my face and the other holds my left wrist on the ground. I grab his hand that's on my face. I lift my right leg and slip it in through his arm and push him onto his back all while getting up to. I take a few steps away and he gets back up.

"YOU'RE REALLY STARTING TO PISS ME THE FUCK OFF." He releases another huge explosion, which I quickly implode. This one was a little smaller then before, but it will still do. I step away, and get sorta close to the white line. He rushes towards me and I dodge out of the way. Once he's behind me, I release the energy and it sends him flying out of bounds.

"(Y/N) (L/N) WINS THIS YEARS UA SPORTS FESTIVAL" I look around the arena. This is the first time I'm actually noticing the amount of people here, and they are all cheering my name.

"Whoa, what a turn of events man! Nobody saw what was coming from her yo!" Present Mic's voice rang in everyone's ears. Of course the teachers knew of my quirk, but besides Todoroki, no students or people viewing the sports festival knew of it. Now... it's out there.

(A/N) Sorry this one is shorter, I wanted the Bakugo battle to be on it's own and not with everything else. Sooo, next chapter should be soonish! Thanks for reading this far!

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